Everyone laughed.
“Without further ado, it is with great pleasure that I announce that dinner is served. Here’s to a fun night.”
There was a loud smattering of applause.
“Shall we?” I said. “Or are you planning on sprinting out the door?”
“I think I’d rather stay.”
“I was hoping that would be your answer.” I reluctantly let go of Bee’s waist. I liked the feeling of her hips beneath my hands.
She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes as she unwound her hands from the back of my neck. I grabbed her hand and lead her over to table three. Matt was already sitting there, staring at us. I knew he was about to embarrass me, but I was still excited to introduce Bee to him. It had been a long time since I had introduced a girl to someone in my family.
“By the way, you’re about to meet my brother.”
She smiled. “Which one is he?”
“The one that’s almost as handsome as me.”
“I call you handsome one time, and now you’re all conceited about it.”
I laughed and stopped next to Matt’s seat. “Bee, this is my brother, Matt.”
“It’s nice to finally meet the girl that my brother is so infatuated with.”
I would have been pissed at him, but Bee seemed to be pleased by what he said. Maybe Matt wouldn’t try to ruin this for me.
“You’re just as pretty as the pictures,” Matt said and put his hand out for Bee.
“Pictures?” Bee glanced at me.
“Yeah. You do realize that my brother is stalking you, right?”
What the fuck, Matt?
Bee laughed.
Apparently she thought Matt was joking. Which was good. Because I was borderline stalking her.
“Is he a serial killer too?” Bee asked. “He kinda has that serial killer vibe to him.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I said.
“Nope, he’s not a serial killer. Just a stalker,” Matt said. “That dress looks amazing on you by the way. Much better than on the mannequin.”
“Thanks.” Bee’s cheeks looked rosy as she glanced up at me again. “You two go shopping together? That’s cute.”
“Cute? I wouldn’t classify us as cute.” This girl was getting the wrong impression of me. I needed to turn this thing around. I pulled her seat out for her and put my hand on the small of her back.
“Thank you,” she said and sat down. I pushed her chair in and sat down in between her and Matt.
“So you work at Kruger Advertising?” Matt said. “Tell us all about that.”
Shut the fuck up. He was fishing for information that I didn’t want. He was going to ruin this whole thing for me. And I was so close. I was hours away from claiming her pussy. Matt was not going to screw this up for me.
“There isn’t much to tell,” she said. “I’m trying to work my way up, but right now I’m just a secretary. It’s not exactly exciting work.”
“I’m sure that’s not true. Secretaries are the heart of the company. What account is your team currently working on?”