Page 242 of Deep Pockets

“Me either,” I said. “It’s quite the transition moving here.”

“Yeah it is. But Central Park is really nice.”

“That’s what I always say to everyone whenever I miss having a lawn.”

Penny laughed. “Me too.”

“Do you ever miss it?”

“Home? Or having a lawn?”

I laughed. “Both, I guess.”

“Sometimes.” Penny looked over at James again. “I’ve found that the company is more important than the location.”

“I just have to say that you and James are the most adorable couple I’ve ever seen.”

She laughed.


“He does not like being called adorable. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mason like this.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“The way he looks at you. I’ve never seen him look at anyone that way. I think he really likes you.”

“Why did Mason say ‘very funny’ when you apologized for reminding me about my ex?”

“Oh. Nothing really.”

“Come on. Us Delaware girls have to stick together.”

She smiled “I don’t know. His reaction to what I said was more so about the fact that I called you his girlfriend I think. It’s just that Mason doesn’t really date. I’ve known him for almost two years and I’ve never seen him with the same woman twice.”

“Really?” I looked over at him and James. I had never seen him like this before. He looked like he was in his element, making small talk with these people. Maybe I didn’t know him as well as I had thought.

“But you shouldn’t let that bother you. Like I said, I’ve never seen him like this before. He seems different.”

“I feel like every time I’m with him he’s different.”

“Every time?”

“We’ve been on a few dates already.”

“See. You have nothing to worry about. You two are already dating.”

“We haven’t really discussed that yet.”

“Sometimes you just know.”

“Like with you and James?”

“It wasn’t easy with us either. I mean, he was still married when we met.”

So that part was true. “I guess. I feel like there’s still so much I don’t know about him. It’s hard to let myself fall when there are so many uncertainties.”

“I still learn new things about James every day.”