“I guess.”
“That’s a pretty crazy coincidence. Two sexy, rich, bachelors dating young women from the University of New Castle? Not that we’re dating. Obviously.” Her face blushed.
“Mhm.” I took a sip of wine. She really doesn’t know anything about me. She thought I had everything in my life handed to me. In a lot of ways I did. But not anymore. I didn’t want to talk about my family. I didn’t want to talk at all. I just wanted to fuck her. I leaned forward slightly. Maybe what she wanted to hear was that we were dating? Security would get her to come back to my place. “I mean, technically this is our second date in less than a week. So we’re kind of dating.”
“We’re not dating, Mason.” Her face was turning even more red. “I said I’d split the bill with you.”
“That’s not happening. I really like you, Bee.”
She locked eyes with me. “You don’t like me. You don’t even know me.”
“I know quite a bit about you, really. First of all, you’re exquisite. And you’re kinky as hell but you’re embarrassed about it. You’re a secretary for a dick. This is your favorite restaurant. I assume you’re indifferent to roses since you didn’t thank me. You like being bossed around because you’re indecisive.”
“I’m not…”
“You’re definitely indecisive, because you seemed to have written me off, yet here we are. You grew up in Delaware and followed your asshole of an ex here even though you never pictured yourself in New York. And you’re wondering why you’re still here if the only reason you came was to be with him. You’re torn about what to do because you’re stuck in a job you hate in a city you don’t fit in.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Part of me wanted to tell him to go screw himself. But a bigger part of me knew that what he said was true. Was I really that transparent? I had made a life for myself here. I had an apartment that I called home and new friends that I considered family. But I was struggling. Just the other day I had said I was ready to move back to Wilmington. I thought I could leave a small town and never look back. I was so wrong. And I was indecisive. Which is why I felt stuck. I just wanted to be back in my apartment, alone. The Bachelor was on tonight, and that’s all I really needed.
“Dinner is served,” Franco said as he walked up to our table with two plates in his hands. Franco smiled at me as he set down our entrees.
The only people that were actually nice in New York were the ones that were trying to get a good tip.
“Is there anything else I can get for you?” Franco asked.
“I think we have everything we need,” Mason said. “Thank you, Franco.”
I looked down at my dinner. I wasn’t even hungry anymore. And I couldn’t afford to be eating at a place like this. I lifted up my purse and pulled out a few twenty dollar bills. I wasn’t sure that was enough to cover my half, but it’s all I had. I set it on the table.
“I said I’d pay,” Mason said.
“I’m actually not feeling very well. I’m just going to go.”
“I didn’t mean…”
“You did mean it. And you were right about me. I don’t belong here. We’re wasting each other’s time, Mason. I’m not the type of girl you’re looking for.” He had me all figured out. And I was embarrassed of who I had become. I was confident while I was in college. I thought I could do anything I set my mind to. Being an adult sucked. I was completely lost. And I needed to work on finding myself again. Alone. Not with Mason Caldwell.
“You’re exactly the type of girl I’m looking for.” His words made me cold.
“I don’t do one night stands.”
Mason frowned. “I never said that’s what this is.”
“Isn’t it, though? You said sex was your hobby. It’s not a hobby for me. It’s more than that. I don’t know, I’m just…” I let my voice trail off. “I’m sorry about the other night. I don’t know what I was thinking. Actually, I wasn’t thinking.”
He just stared at me. His silence was unnerving.
“I gave you the wrong impression of me.”
“When I made you come in the bathroom? Or when you sucked my dick in the alley?”
“Both.” I still couldn’t believe I had done those things. “I’m just going to go, okay?” I stood up.