“I know I already told you this after I talked to him, but I think he really likes you. He was pretty persistent about talking to you. What kind of guy goes through all this trouble for a hook up?”
“A lunatic.”
Kendra laughed. “Those roses are beautiful.”
“They’re okay.”
“So, what did you mean when you said you didn’t exactly have sex with him?”
“I meant I didn’t have sex with him. Don’t you have work to do?”
“Well, maybe whatever weird non-sex thing you did is what has him hooked? You’ll have to tell me sometime. Because I never get roses. And you’re welcome. While I was talking to him, I may have let it slip that you work at Kruger Advertising.” She smiled at me.
She walked back to her desk without responding.
* * *
Each minute that passed made me more and more nervous. He isn’t seriously coming here, is he? He can’t just show up at my work. I tried to focus on the document I was editing, but my mind was scattered. I couldn’t stop thinking about the spark I felt when he touched me. I wasn’t sure if I could control myself around him.
It was almost 5 o’clock. As soon as it was time to go, I was going to race out of here as quickly as possible. Maybe I’d miss him.
“Jenkins! Good to see you, man.”
Oh my God, it’s him. And of course he knows Jenkins. He probably set up all the men here with prostitutes too.
“You too, Caldwell. What are you doing here? Trying to spy on the competition?”
“At Kruger? I don’t think so.”
They both laughed.
“I’m actually here for pleasure, not business. If you’ll excuse me,” Mason said.
Pleasure? Gross. Who talks like that? There was no way I was going to dinner with him. I ducked down behind my desk. What the hell am I doing? But it was too late. I could already hear footsteps approaching my desk. Maybe he’d think I had left for the day. Shit. My coat was still on my chair. The footsteps stopped right in front of me. I leaned down farther to peer under the desk. He had really big feet. Feet really must be a sign of endowment. I had always thought that was a rumor.
I could smell his cologne from where I was. Just the smell of him made me slightly aroused. What is happening to me?
Mason began to walk around my desk. I closed my eyes, hoping that if I couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see me.
“As much as I like you on your knees, how about we have dinner first?” Mason said.
I slowly opened my eyes. His hand was in front of my face.
“Oh, yeah, I was just looking for a pen I dropped. I can’t find the darn thing anywhere. Slippery devil.” What did I just say?
He laughed.
It was deep and sexy. God. I got to my feet without taking his hand.
“You look beautiful tonight, Bee.”
“Thanks. I’m sorry, though, I’m really busy. I don’t have time to go to dinner. I have to stay late. I would have called you, but I didn’t have your number.”
“Are you asking for my number?” He flashed me his jaw dropping smile.