Page 209 of Deep Pockets

“Come on. Let’s go talk to Marie. I’m sure she can clear this up for you. Besides, if he is Max Caldwell’s son, then he’s loaded. And you shouldn’t write him off so easily. You could use a few nice things.”

“Kendra! Don’t be gross. I don’t want his money. I don’t want anything to do with a guy like that. He’s worse than Patrick.”

She looked around my apartment. “Why is it again that you won’t move in with me? We could split the rent and my apartment is a lot nicer than this.”

She had asked me a few times to move in with her. It was another step that I wasn’t quite ready to make. My last good memories of Patrick were in this apartment. It was like changing my relationship status on Facebook. It just seemed so final. I didn’t want to have a conversation about moving right now. Besides, if I was moving anywhere, it was back to Wilmington.

“I’m not ready.”

“But you’re ready to move back to Wilmington? Come on, let’s go. And change out of my dress.” She picked up a pair of jeans and tossed them at me.

Chapter Twenty


Kendra held down the button on the call box. “Marie, it’s Kendra and Bee!” When no answer came through the speaker system, she pressed the button again. “You have a lot of explaining to do, Marie! Wake up!”

“I doubt she knew.” I said. “She even told me that Mason and Patrick didn’t know each other.”

“Still. She set you up with the guy that taught Patrick how to be a cheating piece of shit. And thought he was a good match for you. If you ask me, that’s pretty fucked up.”

Marie was probably asleep. This was ridiculous. All I really wanted was to be curled up in bed, pretending last night had never happened. I shook my head. How will I ever forget his touch? The way Mason had possessed me had made me feel so alive, so amped up. I needed to calm down and get some more sleep. I need to dream of him. I shook my head. He was disgusting.

The door buzzed. Kendra ran over, grabbed the handle, and held the door open for me. As soon as we stepped onto the elevator, Kendra crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“You know, I could have set you up with someone,” she said. “Someone who isn’t worse than Patrick.”

“Maybe next time.”

She sighed as we got off the elevator. We stopped in front of Marie and Carter’s door and Kendra knocked loudly. A second later Marie opened it.

“Bee, Kendra, what are you guys doing here?” Marie asked groggily. Her hair was matted on one side and she was wearing a silk robe. But I was too agitated to care that I had woken her. Seeing her made me upset all over again.

“You didn’t tell me that you were setting me up with Mason Caldwell!”

“What are you talking about? I did. I told you his name, Bee. What are you doing here?” Marie repeated and rubbed her eyes.

“Mason Caldwell?! How could you, Marie?” I walked past her and into her apartment. I sat down on the couch and put my face in my hands.

“Oh my God, he stood you up? Carter! Carter get out of bed right this instant! I can’t believe Mason would do this, Bee. I told him how important you were to me. Carter promised this wouldn’t happen.” She tilted her head toward her bedroom. “Damn it, Carter! Get out of bed!”

“No, Marie, that’s not it,” Kendra said and sat down next to me.

Carter stumbled out of their bedroom, yawning. “Oh, hey, Bee. Hey, Kendra. Geez, it’s a little early, isn’t it?”

“Bee, what happened? What did he do?” Marie said.

“It’s not what he did. We actually had an okay time.” I felt myself blushing. This was ridiculous. “He’s an asshole, Marie.”

I heard a buzzing noise and Carter pulled his cell phone out of his robe pocket. “Geez, I have a ton of missed calls.” He put the phone to his ear. “Hey, man, what’s up?” He paused. “Oh, no need. Bee’s actually right here.”

I glared at him. Marie started to shake her head back and forth and wave her arms.

Carter put the phone down and held his hand over the receiver. “I already told him you were here. Sorry, Bee.”

“I don’t want to talk to him,” I said.

Carter looked over at Marie, but she just glared back at him. He lifted the phone back up to his ear. “Mason, she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”