“Oh my God, you’re alive.” She threw her arms around me.
“Hi, Kendra.”
“You’re alive.” Now she sounded mad. She let go of me and pushed my shoulder. “Do you know how worried I was? I’ve only called you a million times! I thought you were dead in a ditch.” She stared at me.
I was still wearing her dress. I looked down. It was wrinkled and slightly stretched out.
She looked past me at the box of clothes on the floor. “We’ll talk about my dress later. What are you doing?” She gestured toward the box.
“I’m moving, Kendra. I’m done.”
“The date was that bad?”
I sat down on the edge of my bed. I felt my face blush. “I actually had a really good time. Until I figured out who he was.”
“What do you mean?” She sat down next to me.
“It was something that Patrick said to me.”
“What? I thought you were done thinking about Patrick? Please don’t revert back just because of one bad date.”
“I’m not. I…” I let my voice trail off. “There’s more to the story of Patrick cheating on me. I didn’t tell you everything.”
I swallowed hard. This was so embarrassing. I hadn’t told anyone that Patrick had cheated on me with more than one woman. I still wasn’t even sure how many other women he had slept with while we were together. And I really didn’t want to know. “When I confronted Patrick, he told me that he was just doing what was expected of him. That women were like an employee perk or something.”
“That’s a pretty lame excuse. Men are disgusting.”
“He used to go to these, like, underground clubs or something? I don’t know. I don’t really want to talk about that part. But he said that it was the boss’ son that had taken him to all those sleazy places. Almost like an introduction to the city or something ridiculous like that. Patrick said that his boss’ son could get you anything you wanted.” I scrunched up my face. “Like any weird sexual fantasy you had, he could find the person to help make it happen.”
“I don’t understand why this has anything to do with Mason.”
“The founder of MAC International is Max Caldwell. I think Mason is his son.”
“Wait, seriously?” Kendra laughed. “That’s a pretty far leap.”
“Mason seemed…I don’t know. It was him. You should have heard the way he talked. He said his hobby was fucking women. He was a tool. And it’s his fault that Patrick cheated on me.”
“Bee, that’s ridiculous. I bet he isn’t even Max Caldwell’s son. Caldwell is a common name. And so is Mason.” She pulled out her phone and opened up Google. A few seconds later she frowned. “Okay, well maybe he does have a son named Mason. Is this him?” She put her phone in my face.
“Yeah, that’s him.”
“Wow, he’s so sexy. Damn. Why doesn’t Marie ever set me up with anyone?”
“Kendra, he’s a dick.”
“Well Max Caldwell has another son. Matthew. Maybe he’s the one that helped entertain Max’s new hires?” She showed me a picture of Matthew. He didn’t look much like his brother. He was handsome, but in a more sophisticated way. I couldn’t really explain it, but he looked tight-laced. He didn’t look like he frequented underground clubs and had connections with all sorts of weird loose women.
“No. It’s Mason. It’s definitely Mason. He talked like he had sex all the time. And he was…experienced.”
“Shit, did you have sex with him?”
“No. Not exactly.”
“What does that mean?”
“It doesn’t matter. He’s a man whore. And I’m moving.”