Page 205 of Deep Pockets

“You have to stand right by where the door opens. Or else you can easily be swooped.”

“Swooped? Is that what assholes call that move?”

Mason opened up the door. “Get in.”

I slid into the seat. He slammed the door and quickly walked around the taxi. He got in beside me. This is it. I was becoming one of those girls. The kind that sleep around. I had never slept with anyone but Patrick. And everything I had already done with Mason seemed better. What if I don’t want this to be a one night stand? He wasn’t the commitment type. There was absolutely no way.

He moved to the middle seat so that my left side brushed against him. That feeling of electricity shooting through me would never get old. He leaned over and grabbed my seatbelt. He pulled the strap across my torso and buckled it in place. His eyes locked with mine. He liked me strapped down. Was he really going to tie me up back at his place? I was more excited than nervous at the prospect.

He turned to face the driver. “Trump International.” Mason quickly buckled his own seatbelt and leaned back. “And we’re in a hurry.”

“Of course, sir.” The driver turned off the curb and sped off into the night.

“I thought you said we were going to your place?” I asked.

“That’s where I live.”

“Isn’t that an office building?”

“No, Bee, it’s a hotel.”

“You live in a hotel?” Was he loaded? Marie and Carter hadn’t mentioned anything about that.

“It has apartments too. Well, condos, technically.”


“I’m not sure I want to tell you that. You could be a stalker after all.”

Chapter Seventeen


She was staring at me innocently from under her long lashes again. I’d need to call Carter and thank him in the morning. I owed him for this one.

I leaned back in my seat. Trump International was the only good thing I still had. Just telling girls I lived there made their panties drop. It would be hard to walk away from that. But enough was enough. It was time to go off on my own. Besides, I’d completely crush dickweed Darren when I started a competing advertising agency. I’d be back in Trump International in no time, maybe in the penthouse.

I put my hand on Bee’s leg. I didn’t want to think of my fucked up boss or my shitty job. All I wanted was to lose myself inside of her.

She crossed her legs, pushing my hand away.

She was losing her nerve. I needed to get her attention back. I put my hand on the back of her neck and gently rubbed my thumb up and down the top of her spine. She shivered under my touch. That’s right, baby. “Nervous for the main event, are you?”

“Should I be? What are you planning on doing to me?” Her voice was wispy with desire.

“What do you want me to do to you? What’s your wildest fantasy?”

She bit her lip in thought. Her wildest fantasy was me. It was written all over her face. Soon it would be my cum dripping down that pretty face.

“Tell me more about yourself, Mason.”

I scowled at her.

“We have a few more minutes to get to know each other.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Do you have any siblings?”