Page 196 of Deep Pockets

“What do you do then?”

“I edit memos and make phone calls. And…fetch coffee.” I sighed. He was exactly right. My job was ridiculous.

“I see. That is quite different than what I said. I do apologize.” His seductive smile sent shivers down my spine.

Get a grip. I took a deep breath. “I don’t really see why Marie and Carter thought we’d be a good fit.” I ran my finger along the rim of my glass. Patrick was the only guy I had ever really dated. The dirty way Mason talked made it seem like he was way out of my league. At least sexually.

“Well they did tell me one other thing about you,” he said.

“And what was that?”

“That you’re kinky as hell.”

“What?” Is this some kind of joke?

“That you like being tied up and fucked hard for hours. That nothing gets you off more than being on your hands and knees with a cock deep in your throat. And that your virgin ass is just waiting to be claimed.”

What the fuck? Why would Marie say that? She had no idea what I liked behind closed doors. And I certainly wasn’t kinky. Did Carter say it as a joke? “I don’t know why they would have said that.” I was completely mortified.

“Oh. Sorry, I may have added that part in myself. Accidentally, of course.”

Desire flooded through my body. He wanted me. I couldn’t seem to get Kendra’s advice out of my head. Maybe I did need to get under someone else in order to officially get over Patrick.

“Well, if you don’t like your job, you must have some hobbies that you enjoy?” he said.

The way he changed subjects in a flash was so unsettling. For the life of me, I couldn’t think of a single thing I enjoyed doing. I was just imagining being tied up in my bed, with him on top of me. I bit my lip.

“No hobbies, Bee?” He put his hand on my knee to get my attention.

Oh God. The feeling of his hand on me made my whole body alert. “I like to read.”

“That sounds relaxing.” He let his foot glide against my shin. What is he trying to do to me?

“And what about you, Mason? What’s your hobby?”

He slid his hand up my thigh, to the hem of my dress. “I like to fuck.”

I choked on a sip of the cabernet. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.” I stood up quickly and wound my way through the tables toward the bathroom.

I pushed through the bathroom door and exhaled. My heart was beating out of my chest. God I wished I had kept my panties on. I was practically dripping with desire. I ran into a bathroom stall and locked the door behind me.

What was it about Mason that was so exciting? His handsome features. His naughty words. I stood there trying to catch my breath. I didn’t need to use the bathroom, I just needed to clear my head. He was wearing me down. But he was a pretentious asshole. I took a few more deep breaths. This was ridiculous. What had Marie been thinking? Mason wasn’t the kind of guy I could date. Did Marie actually think we’d be a good fit? Or was Marie thinking along the same lines as Kendra?

I exited the bathroom stall and walked over to the sinks. I grabbed a paper towel, ran some cool water over it, and blotted it on my neck. This restaurant had the heat on too high. I kept my eyes on the mirror as someone else entered the restroom. The click of the lock made me turn my head.

“Hot and bothered?”

I pulled the damp cloth from my breasts. “Mason, this is the women’s room. You can’t be in here.” I looked around, but we were alone. I gulped.

“Don’t you ever break the rules?”

Chapter Eleven


Her face flushed as I walked over to her. When I reached her, I put my hands on the counter on either side of her and pressed my hips into hers. She didn’t even flinch. I leaned over her, pressing my body more firmly against hers, and switched the water off. I put my hand on her thigh and slowly trailed it underneath the hem of her dress. She leaned back slightly, pressing her perfectly round ass against the sink.

“What, no one’s ever made you come in a public bathroom, Bee?”