Chapter Five
“I’m so, so sorry,” Kendra said. “For what it’s worth, your idea was a lot better than Jenkins’.”
“Thanks.” I took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Can I run something by you real quick?”
“Of course.”
“I think if I’m ever going to make it in advertising I need to get some experience. There’s probably a better shot of me getting something in one of the small agencies back home. Even if it’s unpaid or something. Don’t you think?”
“Back home?”
“Yeah. I’m thinking I might move back to Wilmington for awhile. Just until I figure some stuff out.”
“Wait, what?” Kendra put her sandwich down on her desk. “You’re not serious? Just because of the meeting? Whatever, people will forget about it tomorrow. And like I said, it was a good idea. Mr. Ellington will notice you eventually. You just need to give it more time.”
I sighed. “I’m pretty sure Mr. Ellington has already noticed me. The only promotion I’ll ever get here is becoming one of Mr. Ellington’s mistresses.”
“Ew.” Kendra frowned. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Yeah, well I told him I didn’t want to be his secretary forever. And he said I was due for a promotion. And then he looked at me in a really creepy way.”
“He always looks creepy. You probably imagined it.”
“But right before that he said that my skin wasn’t thick enough to be in advertising. So what else could the promotion he suggested be? He definitely wasn’t referring to an advertising gig.”
Kendra took a sip of her diet coke. “If that really is what he meant, you can sue him you know. That’s sexual harassment.”
“I’m not going to sue my boss.”
“And why not? He’s a complete pig. If anyone ever filed a lawsuit, every girl in this office would sign off on it.”
“Would you lower your voice?” We were eating lunch in Kendra’s cubicle, which wasn’t that far away from Mr. Ellington’s office. “I tried. I gave it my best shot. I’m not cut out for this city. Mr. Ellington’s right. I don’t have thick skin. My skin is thin.” I looked down at my arm. “Translucent, really. I’m so pale, I look sickly.”
Kendra laughed. “You know what, fuck Mr. Ellington. You do have thick skin. You’re finally moving on from Patrick. Don’t let this set you back. You have that date tonight. Things are looking up. You’re Kick Ass Bee.”
“Yeah, I can’t go on that date. Mr. Ellington is punishing me by having me transfer tons of useless documents into digital form. It’s going to take forever. There’s no way I’ll have time to go back to my apartment and change before my date. I’m just going to cancel.”
“You’re not canceling.”
“So you think I should just go like this? It will look like I didn’t try at all. That’s a terrible first impression.”
“Bee, you always look great. Don’t give me that shit. And being a dedicated employee is nothing to be ashamed about. But I agree, you have to look amaze-balls for a first date. And I have the perfect solution.”
“I can’t afford to go shopping. My rent is due in a few weeks and I…”
“It doesn’t involve going shopping. I have a sexy dress here that you can borrow.” She stood up and grabbed a dry cleaning bag that was hanging from the side of her cubicle.
“We don’t wear the same size.”
“Yes we do.”
“Fine. But we don’t have the same style.”
“You mean you like to dress conservatively? I know. Which is why it’s probably for the best that you have to borrow something from me.” She pushed back the plastic that was covering it.
It was a short, low-cut black dress. Which actually wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I thought there’d be more straps. And less fabric.