Page 185 of Deep Pockets

“No.” She grabbed my elbow. “Come on. Hanging out with me is so much more fun than watching T.V. and you know it.”

I laughed. “Yes, it is. But I actually have a date tonight.” I smiled and looked away from her.

“Shut up.”

I looked back at her and shrugged.

“Are you serious?”

“Why do you seem so surprised?”

“I don’t know. It just seemed like you had kind of given up. You were one cat away from becoming a crazy cat lady.”

“Psh. Crazy cat ladies have like a whole bunch of cats. I have none. And I’m not crazy.”

Kendra shrugged. “Okay, give me all the details. What’s his name? Where did you meet? Is he sexy? He must be sexy if he’s getting your mind off Patrick.”

I stepped off the elevator without answering her.

“Bee! You have to tell me.”

“His name is Mason.”

“That’s a really sexy name.”

“It is kind of sexy I guess.”

“So…is he sexy?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why aren’t you telling me?”

“Because I really don’t know.”

“What do you mean? Were you at one of those weird new places where they turn off all the lights and you just talk to people?”

“What are you talking about? No. I’ve just never met him. It’s a blind date.”

“A blind date? You never told me you were ready to date again. I have like a million guys to set you up with.”

“I don’t want to date your rejects, Kendra.”

“Well, whose reject is this?”

“No ones. He works with Marie and Carter.”

“Did he date Marie?”

“No. I don’t think so anyway. I feel like she would have mentioned that. No actually. Definitely not. He’s friends with Carter. I feel like they wouldn’t be friends if Mason had dated his wife.”

“Fair enough. What else did they tell you about him?”

“That he’s a successful businessman. And that he’s handsome. That’s really all I know.”

“A successful businessman, huh? I thought you swore off all the suits in this city.”

“I didn’t really mean that.” I had meant that. The men here sucked. Or maybe it was just men in general. Maybe I should have just sworn off all men.