Page 115 of Deep Pockets

Bristol looks up at me with her huge green eyes. She’s gone completely still except for the heat of her breath over the head of my cock.

I push her head back down and pick up the phone.

“Will Leblanc.”

“Have a minute?” It’s Greg Winthrop from Hughes Financial Services. One of the people who will be at the dinner tonight. “I wanted to talk to you just briefly about the numbers. I understand your CFO looked them over.”

“That’s right.”

Bristol slows. She adjusts her grip on my base, and then I’m encased in the heat of her mouth again. Slowly, tentatively, she takes me deeper, getting used to me.

“What did you think?”

I didn’t care. I should have cared, but I didn’t. “I was impressed. Had a couple questions.”

What were they? I don’t know, because my tip meets resistance at the back of Bristol’s throat. I grit my teeth against the absolutely feral sound about to slip out.

“I’d have been surprised if you didn’t.” He laughs. “This merger stands to put you on a completely different tier. Welcome to the big leagues.”

Another scale of wealth entirely. I wouldn’t have to do anything else for the rest of my life. I could turn my back on the company. I could coast.

I could take Bristol to the beach. No, that idea is ridiculous. The only reason it occurred to me is because her lips feel so warm around my cock.

“It would be a hell of a change.”

“What were your questions?”

I can’t think of a single one. She’s testing the boundary of her throat now. Shallow thrusts. Seeing how far she can go. Doing her very best, like she has done from the first day. I think of her turning my coffee cup to just the right angle just as she takes me deeper into her throat.

Just the perfect. Fucking. Angle.

Questions. About the merger. About the numbers.

“My main question was actually about the language—” Bristol adds pressure, gagging softly. Tears gather on her eyelashes. I want to fuck her throat when she’s bound and helpless and begging. I must sound like I’m having a heart attack. “—concerning the current staff. The policy was too vague. I want a guarantee that Summit can maintain its culture and pay scale. No layoffs. No pay cuts. Nothing.”

“I’ll review it.” Greg’s taking notes. “Of course those things will be left to your discretion, but we can come to an agreement on the contract language.”

“I want to do right by my employees. That means keeping our systems in place.”


My abs bunch up. I plant my feet on the floor and hold her hair tighter. “Nothing else comes to mind, but—”

“If it does, text me. We’ll work through it before dinner.”


“We’re all looking forward to it. It’ll be the perfect time to solidify everyone’s preferences. Get comfortable with each other.”

Holy fuck, I don’t care. I know I’m supposed to be highly invested in the outcome of this dinner, but right now I don’t care. I want to leave with Bristol. Abandon everything, including the dinner, and take her to the beach of her goddamn dreams.


Bristol glances up at me through her lashes with her lips firmly wrapped around my cock. Those eyes glint with a challenge.

My little corporate whore is trying to make me come on this phone call.

She’s going to do it if this goes on for another five minutes. Another two minutes.