Page 106 of Deep Pockets


“Hasn’t panned out yet.”


“What?” He shrugs, the movement exaggerated. “Guy who owns that company is some rich prick. Why does he care about a measly amount of money?”

“Fifty thousand dollars is not a measly amount of money. I stole it. For you. And he has proof that I did it. He could turn me in.”

“Bristol, it’s not so bad.” He puts his grin back on, never mind the black eye. “You just have to be patient.”

“Tell that to my boss.”

His gaze turns shrewd. “You know…”

You know…

I want to ascend to another plane. Leave my body behind. This is the tone he uses when he thinks he’s got a great idea. It’s never a great idea.

“Dad, no.”

“Maybe you can use it to your advantage. Play the helpless maiden card. Men love that.”

I throw a glare at him. “I am not having sex with my boss for money.”

I could drown in hot shame. I’ve already agreed to have sex with Mr. Leblanc for money. I let him touch me. I let him take me right to the edge.

And I’ll do it again.

I stare down my dad.

He stares back.

I want him to be the one who looks away first, but he doesn’t.

“What is your plan? Have you put in any applications?”

My dad shakes his head. “Nobody’s going to hire me. I don’t have the experience.”

“Dad, you have experience in just about everything. You know you can talk your way into a job. Any job.”

“Bristol, come on. I’m not cut out for most things. I can’t work at McDonald’s like this. They wouldn’t let me. And I don’t do well with machines.”

He doesn’t do well with people, either.


I take the deepest possible breath and let it out slowly. “I did this for the twins. You said you’d help me pay it back.”

Silence. He folds his arms over his chest.

“This is it. Do you see that?” I’m tired of the constant fight to make him understand. “You can’t keep doing this. It’s not good for Mia and Ben.”

He scoffs. “This is my work. This is my life. What the hell else am I supposed to do?”

“You run cons. And they haven’t panned out, have they?”

His shoulders curve.