I checked it once more as I walked over to my car. Nothing.
I plopped down in the front seat and blasted the air conditioner to keep me from sweating from the damn Lubbock dry heat. I wanted to know what was going on with Landon. It seemed strange that he would skip work with no one knowing or talking about it. Maybe he was hurt. Or maybe he’d had something to do.
I knew it was a lame excuse, using his absence to text him…but I did it anyway.
Hey! You weren’t in the office today. Everything okay?
It took a good five minutes before I sent it. I laughed shakily at my need to make sure he was all right.
He texted back almost instantly.
Yeah. Thanks for checking in. Did I miss anything?
New job opening in engineering. Pretty excited.
That’s great. Because of Jim leaving?
You already knew!
Of course, he’d already known. He was my boss after all. He’d probably had to talk to Jim when he asked for the transfer to Austin.
Guilty. But I couldn’t say anything.
I get it.
And I was secretly frustrated that we had this thing between us. This thing that kept us apart. I wanted to talk to Landon. I wanted to tell him everything going on in my life, like we used to be able to do.
So, why weren’t you at work today then?
I waited a solid five minutes between that message and the next. I wasn’t sure why it was taking him so long to answer, but when he responded, I knew he had been deciding if he wanted to be bold.
I liked bold.
Why don’t you come over to my apartment, and I’ll tell you all about it?
Chapter Nineteen
Going to Landon’s apartment fell under the category of Bad Ideas. Yet here I was, driving over to the address he had texted to me and feeling ridiculous that I was doing so. I could try to convince myself that it was simply because I was worried about his well-being.
Actually, let’s go with that.
Seemed legit.
Even if it was a lie.
I was going to Landon’s because I wanted to see him, and staying away from him fucking sucked. Point-blank.
Just as I pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building, I got a text from Emery. Blood pounded in my ears, and I felt frozen. I still hadn’t told Emery that anything was going on with Landon. I mean, nothing was going on with Landon, but she would want to know why I was going over there to see him, and I didn’t have a real answer to that. At least not one that I could give her.
Hey! I’m heading over to Jensen’s tonight, but I miss you. Can we plan a girls’ night this weekend?
I sighed and parked the car. Man, I missed my best friend, too. I should probably head straight home and go hang out with her. That was the sensible thing to do. But there was the door to Landon’s apartment, and that was where all my curiosity led.
Feeling like a crappy best friend, I decided not to tell her.
Yes! I miss you, too. How about tomorrow night?