Page 883 of Deep Pockets

“Yeah, Heidi,” Austin agreed. “I love watching you kick my brother’s ass.”

“You’re so thoughtful,” Landon muttered.

“What? It’s hot when a chick beats you.”

“Hey,” I said, pointing my pool stick at him. “I’m not just some chick.”

“You’re right. You’re a hot chick,” Patrick said.

“Ignore them, and call your shot,” Landon said.

I rolled my eyes and lined up for the eight ball. “Eight in the upper right.”

In the millisecond after I hit the ball, I had a feeling I was going to miss. I wasn’t sure if it was the way I’d hit the ball or the trajectory it went on, but it felt off to me. It rattled back and forth against the corners of the pocket, and we all held our breaths and waited.

“Ugh,” I groaned as I watched it with my hand over my eyes. Shockingly, it teetered just far enough backward to land in the pocket. I jumped up in surprise. “Oh my God!”

The other guys all cheered me on.

Austin handed me Landon’s hundred bucks. “Never doubted you for a second.”

Nick applauded my success. “Great job!”

Patrick put an arm around Nick’s shoulders. “Come on! Let’s go do shots!”

It was only Landon who looked downtrodden. But he was a good sport. He grinned when I glanced at him.

“Nice game.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

I guessed I would never know what I’d have gotten if he’d won.

Chapter Fourteen


Landon took a step closer to me when Austin, Patrick, and Nick finally walked away. “It really was a great game, Heidi.”

“Piece of cake.”

“Sure you don’t want to find out what would have happened if I’d won.”

“Don’t think we’ll ever know, Landon, because you’ll never beat me,” I said confidently.

He grinned. “Maybe.”

“Seriously, Landon, what the hell are you doing?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Hanging out with you.”

“You’ve been doing this whole I-know-you-so-well act tonight. And, sure, you might know me, but you can’t forget that I know you just as well, which means that I know you are not here just to hang out with me.”

“You’re right. You do know me, Heidi. That’s the point. You’ve been avoiding me and walking away from me and refusing to listen to me all week when I’ve been standing right in front of you, trying to make things right.”

“Maybe I don’t want to make things right.”

“Why? Because of this guy?” Landon asked, pointing out Nick. “The guy is so oblivious, he can’t even see what’s right in front of his eyes. I could have made out with you on the pool table, and he would have clapped his hands and applauded at how good you are.”