Landon took a shocked step back from me. “A date?”
“I see.”
Landon followed me out of the elevator. In the lobby, there were too many people with eyes that could be watching us from all directions. I suddenly felt exposed, as if everyone were staring at us. Even though no one else knew what had transpired between Landon and me a month ago…or in the elevator.
“How long has that been going on?” he asked, his voice tight and controlled.
“Dating? My whole life. Some guys take me out for food. Maybe a movie. Pretty sweet deal,” I said, trying for levity.
“You know what I mean.”
“A few weeks.”
“Since I left then?”
“You had nothing to do with this,” I lied.
“Heidi, you can’t—”
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do,” I hissed at him. “You made your decision, Landon, and now, I’m making mine.” My voice was barely above a whisper, but I still felt exposed from even uttering those words.
His eyes were two open windows, revealing every little thought that fluttered through his head. He was pissed and jealous and frustrated. He wanted to tell me not to go out with anyone. But he knew it was unfair. He knew he didn’t have the right to those feelings. He was the one who had fucked this up. Not me. He was the one who deserved to feel this way.
So, why did I feel so horrible when I finally walked away from him?
* * *
Emery was at the apartment when I showed up from work early. She would be starting her teaching job on Monday and had been in deep planning mode. She had been going into school early for the past couple of weeks for new teacher orientation. I thought it was smart that she was taking advantage of all this time to get ready for her big-girl job. But she thought I was a dick when I put it like that. I was her best friend, so she was probably right.
“Hey, sexy,” I said, wandering into Emery’s room.
“Hello, my lover,” Emery said with a wink.
“Still in major planning mode?”
“The majorest,” she said. “Look what came today.” She held up a standard-sized white envelope.
I knew what that letter was. She knew what that letter was. It came in every week. Every single week.
“Great,” I said, snatching it out of her hand and stuffing it into my purse, unopened.
“So, how was work?”
I wrinkled my nose. “It was work.”
She glanced up at me out of the corner of her eye. “You love your job.”
“Yeah, I do, but things have been…you know, rough lately.”
“Are you finally going to admit to me that this is about Landon?”
“Absolutely not.”
I plopped down onto her bed and watched her as she filed a bunch of paperwork. She was, as usual, dressed in black from head to toe and had her dark hair in a ponytail on the top of her head. No makeup, no fuss, and she was still gorgeous as hell.