Still high from all the laughter, I feel extra bold. “I was wondering if you could hold the wand for me.”
His smile disappears. “You sure?”
My face is on fire, but I nod. “Please.” I hand the wand to him.
He activates it through the app, and it roars like a chainsaw in my palm before he snatches it away.
I gulp in a deep breath.
It’s happening.
Holy wandness, it’s happening.
He puts down his phone, then leans in and slowly presses the loudly vibrating toy against my jeans.
The air whooshes out of my lungs. Even through the layers, the vibration is insane—and brings me to an orgasm almost instantly, dragging a loud moan out of me.
His pupils dilate, and I see he’s about to pull the wand away, so I clasp his wrist to keep it there. I’m greedy for another orgasm, which I can already feel building. The tension is coiling low in my core, my skin tingling as my nipples harden in the confines of my bra.
His face is a mask of purely male satisfaction, even as his eyes are heavy-lidded with arousal.
The orgasm crashes over me, making me cry out. It’s shameless, bold, but I don’t care. I like how this is affecting him. There’s a huge bulge in his pants, mere inches away from me.
Should I unzip him and unleash Dracula?
Not yet.
For now, I grab his other hand and place it over Pinky, bucking my hips against the wand to intensify the sensations that are mercilessly building again.
His eyes darken, and he squeezes my flesh appreciatively, just as another orgasm rocks me, making me scrunch my eyes shut and moan yet again.
As the aftershocks fade, I open my eyes—and stare right into my parents’ faces.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Do orgasms make you hallucinate?
Wait, no, they appear to be real.
Holy fuck.
Mom and Dad have barged into my apartment yet again.
Stiffening, Vlad yanks the vibrator away from my crotch area as I gape at my grinning parental units, painfully aware of the open suitcase of toys at my feet and the orgasm they must’ve just witnessed.
“That is simply fabulous, my dear!” Mom sounds positively giddy. “I knew the Vibronator would come in handy.”
I leap to my feet, and so does Vlad. Swiftly deactivating the wand, he tosses it into the suitcase and closes the thing shut.
I debate whether to die on the spot or not. Pretty sure people have fallen on a sword for much less dishonor.
At least my orgasm-flushed face can’t get any redder.
Somehow, I recover my tongue. “Mom, Dad, this is Vlad.” I’m proud of the steadiness of my voice. “Vlad, these are my parents. They’ve clearly never learned about boundaries.”
Coolly composed now, Vlad extends a hand to Mom. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Pack.”
Mom looks on the verge of drooling. “Please call me Venus.”