Monkey is wide open today.
Wait, did I just make Monkey sound like a slut?
How does eleven sound? he asks.
I check the clock. There’re a few hours left, so I agree with this too, a little more hesitantly this time. The logistics of the introductions are a little fuzzy in my head. Are we doing it over video conferencing or—
Great. Oracle and I will be over at eleven.
Over? As in, to my place? I knew something about this introduction business was dodgy.
Well, it’s too late to back out of it now. Plus, a part of me loves the idea of seeing Vlad in person.
See you at eleven, I text him and launch into a cleaning frenzy.
By ten fifty-five, my place is cleaner than it’s ever been, and I’m wearing my nicest casual dress, plus the premium eyebrows.
“You’re about to make a friend,” I tell Monkey.
The door rings.
My heart leaps into my throat. He’s a little early. I sprint over to the door and open it.
Vlad is frowning on the other side. “You don’t have a peep hole, yet you didn’t ask who’s there.”
I just stare at him.
He’s got his usual black trench coat on, but the blue shirt underneath is more casual than the dark, crisply starched ones he wears in the office—though not by much.
“What if I were some criminal?” The deep blue eyes are glaring at me disapprovingly, and I finally realize what he said.
“You told me you’d be over at eleven.” I try not to sound defensive. “What are the chances a criminal would come to kill me at that exact time?”
“Still, I—”
“Is that Oracle?” I point at the creature in the carrier he’s holding. “She’s even cuter in person.”
His stern expression warms as he follows my gaze. “I hope this works. It’ll be fun to see her play with a peer.”
“Well, come in and let’s do this,” I say, gesturing toward the living room.
He takes off his shoes—probably a Russian thing—then walks into the living room and over to where Monkey lurks.
As he passes by me, I detect a faint hint of that same woman’s perfume I smelled earlier.
Shit. Was he with her, whoever she is?
Asking would be extremely inappropriate; we’re supposed to be acting like colleagues, not jealous lovers.
Smash something, the green monster demands.
Now you sound like the Hulk.
Smash her head.
Correction, you sound like a homicidal maniac.
“Hi, Monkey,” Vlad says in a tone that sounds suspiciously like baby-talk.