Too soon, my mind hisses.
Finally, my heart beams.
He’s kissing me, fast and wet, and my hands find his ass, his chest, his jaw, his hair, my mouth smashed against his, the taste of me lingering on him as he whispers my name, “Mallory,” interrupting the glow of my skin, the beautiful swell of my heart, the chiseled gorgeousness of his naked body, and the very real moment when I roll a condom over his glorious shaft and invite him in, my legs wide, my heart wider.
And instead of rushing in, he pauses.
The sweetest kiss ever accompanies the slow, steady, sultry feel as Will Lotham makes love to me, all the way.
All the way.
Dropping his chin, he skims it across my nipples, replacing the sandpapery feel with his mouth, the juxtaposition of disparate sensations making me shiver. Heavy above me, but held by strong muscle, his skin is intoxicating. I breathe him in and clench around him as steady strokes build an urgency inside me.
“Will,” I gasp, palms loving the feel of his shoulders working as his athletic body moves against mine, the two of us using motion to make something greater.
He stops. “Mal? You want me to–” Gentlemanly and inquiring, he’s checking in to make sure I’m pleased.
Widening my hips, I take him in deeper, heels pressed against ass muscles that don’t budge. “I want you. This. More of this. I’m so close, Will.”
“Again?” Pride makes him grin.
“Again. You seem to know exactly what to do to me to make me feel everything I’ve ever wanted to feel with you,” I confess.
Our gaze fixes for a long time, the deep sense of blending with him, body, heart, and mind making me disappear into him, more real than ever, less distinct, too. We’re combining, his mouth on mine for a long, savoring kiss, and then he says,
“Remember what you wrote in my yearbook?” A hot current flows between us, his pause making me feel even closer to him at the same time my body is so, so ready. On edge and half out of my mind, I take in his words and nearly answer with “I love you.”
“Yes?” I say instead. It’s safer.
“You wrote, To Will, who always knows where he’s going. When I’m with you, Mallory, that’s so true. I feel like I know myself and my path better than ever. But only with you.”
I kiss him fiercely, my own words coming from his mouth a connection that closes a circuit, that completes a loop.
Slowly, with a piercing sense of being known to my core, my body joins my mind and heart with a deep presence that touches some equally tender piece of Will, because as our climaxes build, he stares into my eyes. There’s more emotion in those beautiful blue-green eyes than I’ve seen in a lifetime of faces. Soon he’s kissing my neck, his low groan meeting my soft cries as we come together.
I didn’t know I could feel so integrated. So hot. So turned on.
So known.
Peaceful silence fills the air as we breathe our way back to earth.
“That was… wow.”
Lifting up, he kisses the tip of my nose, eyes on mine as I stroke his back. He’s in me still, hard and touching a spot that makes me shudder.
He laughs. “More?”
Reaching up, I kiss him in answer, then say, “Later.”
I expect him to pull out and move. He doesn’t, instead brushing my hair around my ear, eyes taking in all the secrets of my face.
Which aren’t many when I’m post-sex, in Will Lotham’s arms. Sex with Will is a truth serum. I can’t keep anything from him.
“I am so stupid,” he says, the last words I expect to hear.
“That was anything but stupid!”