For the sisterhood. All the women Will is going to sleep with from here on out will thank me later.
He starts to laugh. I’m so tempted to pour the small bottle of isopropyl alcohol directly on his wound, but I’m a kind, compassionate woman, so instead I dab it on with a swab.
“OW!” he bellows.
“You’re not sorry at all.”
“I’m sorry for your sex partners that you have no idea what a clitoris is, Will.”
“I know what it is. And my tongue knows how to find one. Blindfolded.”
“Why would you blindfold your tongue?”
This time, it’s his phone. Turning away, I resist the urge to fan myself. Lord have mercy.
“Huh. Wedding.” I can’t help but notice the knuckles on his right hand, the bruising from his brawl with Beastman still evident. Then I realize what he’s just said.
“You’re getting married?” I choke out, appalled.
He laughs. “That would be pretty bizarre, given I’m not dating anyone.”
I file that bit of information in the THANK GOD folder in my brain.
“Don’t underestimate how quickly those internet mail-order brides can be delivered, Will.”
“I’m not the groom.” His eyes dim a bit as he says that. “I’m in the wedding party. I’ve got a–” He frowns. “A thing I have to do.”
“You want antibiotic cream?”
He shakes his head. “I’m good.”
“The risk of infection from being hit with a ten-year-old statue is probably small.”
Squinting, he looks at me, hair disheveled, drops of blood on his collar. He’s never been more attractive. Maybe I was a vampire in another life.
Wait. That’s not technically possible. Vampires are immortal, so how could I have been one in another life when they get one, eternal life?
Never mind. Will’s staring at me staring at his collar. I lick my lips.
“You’re really invested in getting this house under contract. We should talk more about it,” he says, his eyes on me.
On my mouth.
“We should?” Where’s this coming from suddenly?
“In a location where you do not have access to weapons.”
I cross my arms over the girls and lift my eyebrows. “Don’t startle women when they’re vulnerable and alone, and–”
“Are you free for dinner tonight?”
Chapter Eleven
Words catch in my throat. I just stare and blink, until finally he asks, “Mallory?”