Moving in.
“Who is your, um, interior designer?” I ask him, nervous, needing distraction as he approaches me, his eyes hard to read.
“My mother.”
“She’s in the field?”
“No. She just has opinions.” He looks up, eyes scanning as he takes off the reading glasses and tucks them in a case, a wry grin making his dimples appear.
“So do I.”
“And? What do you think of the color scheme?”
“I think your mother loves you and wants you to be in a warm, productive environment.”
He smiles wider and looks around.
“Which is why this entire office needs to be remodeled.”
His fingertips rub his left eyebrow. “That’s not what I hired you for.”
“Oh, I know. But I can’t come into a room that almost seems designed to suck energy out of its inhabitants and not say something.”
“Are you going to be like this in every single physical setting?”
“Then I need to set some limits with you.”
“Such as?”
“Don’t tell me every single room in my business office needs to be remodeled. I don’t have a budget for that. We’re straddling two locations right now as we migrate into this space. All my employees are still in the old offices until next week.”
“I can tell you what you need to know. Once you know, you can prioritize.”
“Remodeling is not a priority.”
“You don’t care about productivity?” I ask, giving him a hard stare.
His double take is so gratifying. “Of course I care about productivity.”
“How about profits?”
“I care even more about profits.” Will goes from mild annoyance to interested attentiveness. I like being the focus of his attention.
Like it a little too much.
“Then you’d better let me remodel every inch of this place,” I declare in a haughty tone that covers my nervousness.
“First of all, no. Second–why would you need to remodel every inch?”
“I didn’t hire you for your intuition. I hired you to reorganize the space and feel of my properties to help them sell. Starting with my parents’ house.”
“Which means you hired me for my intuition.”
“I hired you for your skill.”