“That’s not true,” he argued. “The fact that you give me the opportunity to play with you this way makes you perfect. Who needs a well-behaved sub? Give me a sweet-natured brat every single time. This might be a little cold at first, but it’s going to heat up quite quickly.”
She felt him part her cheeks, felt the chill of the lube against her. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t felt before. Yep. She could handle this. She’d done the crime. There was no denying that. She hadn’t wanted to deal with Bobby so she’d ignored it and he’d nearly killed her and…oh, god, the pressure.
“Take a deep breath,” Sebastian said.
She filled her lungs, fighting the urge to move away from him. This wasn’t her first rodeo. All that would do was piss off her Dom and start the process over again. He rimmed her and she could already feel the ginger going to work.
A loud smack split the air and she felt fire lick at her as Sebastian spanked her ass with one hand. “Don’t you try to keep me out.”
She bit back a curse because that wouldn’t do her any good either. She had a safe word, but she wasn’t about to use it. Not now when they were so close to everything she’d ever wanted. So what if her asshole was on fire. “It burns.”
“Let it settle in.” He worked the plug, massaging her sensitive flesh. “It’s like any other sensation. There are different levels. Don’t fight it. Experience it.”
This particular level seemed to be discomfort. Lots of crazy discomfort. She held on to the cuffs, her spine straightening as he pushed the plug in and pulled it out, gaining ground with each pass.
Finally it slid home and she could feel the hard burn along her flesh. Breathe in and out. She could take a couple of minutes and then she would scream out her safe word and end all of this.
“Hold that plug or we’ll have trouble.”
When she turned slightly, she watched as he grabbed the hand sanitizer he’d placed with the rest of his toys and cleaned his hands. He was surprisingly well balanced on that one knee. She concentrated on him, trying to forget the burning. It was worse when she clenched. When she relaxed, it was fainter. She had to remember to breathe.
His body was so lovely. Exactly what she remembered from the brief glance she’d gotten of it that morning so long ago. His butt was a muscled mass of perfection. His legs were like a statue, carved beautifully but broken somewhere along the way. It didn’t take away from his beauty. One leg had been lost four or five inches below the knee and the other halfway up his thigh. And still he moved with a certain hesitant grace. One day he would be so comfortable with her, he wouldn’t hold back at all. He would throw himself around because falling wouldn’t matter. She would catch him. Though not today since she was totally not going anywhere. Javier’s cuff system was getting a workout.
She could feel tears squeezing from her eyes. “How long does it last?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be torture.” He leaned over and grabbed a wand. It was pink and shiny and she wasn’t quite sure what he was going to do with it.
The uncertainty made her quiver. The fact that her ass was on fire did something for her, too. This was what she needed. She would feel incomplete without this intimacy, without testing herself and exploring all the possibilities of her sexuality, but it was so much better because he was going to be her guide and her partner.
“Let’s see if I can get your mind off it for a bit now that you’ve taken your punishment with such beautiful grace. Hold on tight to that plug. I’m going to flip you over. If you lose the plug, I’ll have to start all over again.”
That would kill her. Although he was right about the burn. It hurt, but then the aching went somewhere else, making her so aware of her core. She could feel her pussy getting wet, feel the burn turning into a heat that needed release.
“Be still and hold on tight.” He was behind her again, but she could feel him, feel his hands on her, feel him moving into place. “Are you ready?”
His hands were on her hips.
He was going to kill her. She clenched down, determined to make it through this punishment so they could get to the good stuff. “Do it.”
She took a deep breath and held on tight as Sebastian flipped her over in one neat move.
Suddenly she was looking up at him and he was holding that slim wand in his hand. He loomed over her and any thought that might have lingered that he couldn’t top her in a perfectly nasty, sexy, sadistic way was utterly obliterated. There would be no locking away of her masochistic self. Sebastian’s sadistic streak could match her.
And then she felt the cool bulb of the vibrating wand between her legs. He moved it over her pelvis and then she wasn’t thinking about the burning anymore.
“Do you know what I can do with a flick of this wand? All I have to do is turn it on and what do you think will happen?” Sebastian asked, his voice rich with arousal.
His voice wasn’t the only thing. That gorgeous cock of his was straining. Long and thick, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. “Please, Sebastian. Please. I hurt and ache.”
“Only if you’ve learned your lesson.” He rubbed the head of the wand over her clit, but still didn’t turn it on.
She nodded, the ache too much to deny. She couldn’t play anymore. She needed him. “Yes, Master. I won’t ever do it again. Please.”
His thumb flicked the button and all she could think about was the buzz that hummed over her clitoris.
He pressed down and between the throbbing in her ass and the pulse of the vibe, she couldn’t hold out a second longer. Her whole body went taut and she screamed out her orgasm. He held the vibe tight, riding out the wave.
She floated down, her body still humming. He held the vibrator a moment more, just enough to get her to twitch and squirm as she started to respond again.