His lips curled up in the sexiest snarl. “You are asking for it.”
She kind of was because patience sucked. Still, she turned to the sink. “I just want to get this done so we can watch some TV and enjoy the rest of our evening. Unless you’ve recently decided to not be a complete OCD freak who can’t enjoy anything until the kitchen is bleached and cleaned?”
He frowned. “I’ll go and sort through the god-awful amount of mail Deena dropped off for you earlier today.”
She watched as he turned the chair toward the living room. Deena had been out at Top Dallas the day before and stopped by her apartment and Sebastian’s place to bring them mail. He’d already gone through his, though apparently all his billing was online at this point. If he wanted to sort through all the crap she got, he was welcome to it.
She turned back to the dishes and shook her head. Somehow he’d still managed to do most of them. Overachiever.
How did she get him to believe she didn’t need anything but him?
He was right about one thing. She did enjoy rough play. He could still be rough. He’d been rough all week with her. The fact that he used a wheelchair from time to time didn’t make him soft.
He had very little imagination. Smart as hell, but no imagination.
That wheelchair could play into some seriously filthy scenarios if only he would stop viewing it as something to hate.
“Do you ever pay your bills on time?”
She could hear the frown in his voice. She didn’t have to turn to know he’d gotten a little crease on his forehead. “Mostly. Sometimes I get involved in work and I forget. I had a roommate for a while. She was good at paying the bills on time.”
“Perhaps you should have tried to keep her because according to this your electricity is about to be turned off.”
She groaned. She had forgotten that one. “I lost the last bill. I think I used it to mix blues together. I couldn’t get the right shade so I was playing around, but obviously I can’t do that on the canvas.”
Yeah, he was likely never going to understand her on that one. “So I thought I would wait for the next bill and pay them both at the same time. I’ll send it off. It’s no biggie. I’m not even at the apartment right now so my sister would say I’m helping the earth by turning off the electricity. And I couldn’t keep Heidi. Her best john finally forked over the cash to make her a permanent mistress and they left for New York. I tried to tell her that there was no such thing as a truly permanent mistress, but she had stars in her eyes.”
He was quiet for a moment. “Please tell me you weren’t living with a prostitute.”
Well, she hadn’t known Heidi was on the game when she first moved in. “Okay, I won’t tell you.”
A long sigh issued. “I’m taking over paying your bills. You’ll need to give me the passcodes to your banking accounts. I’m going to set everything up to pay online and I’ll monitor that your bills get paid in a timely manner.”
Yep, he was so not dominant. She turned to him, putting down the sponge she’d been using. It was time to turn this around on him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I wouldn’t want to be a burden to you, Sir.”
He shook his head. “It’s far more a burden if I’m worried you’ve forgotten to pay a bill because you’re too busy painting or finding new objectionable roommates.”
She only wanted one roommate, even if he was a prissy, gloriously gorgeous asshole. “But I have so much fun finding new roommates. I’m interviewing a few drug dealers next week. I’m hoping to upgrade my cable subscriptions. Also, you know how I like to live on the edge. Never knowing if the meth lab is going to explode makes for fun days.”
“Tiffany, I am serious.”
She shrugged. “Then let me move in with you.”
There was a gleam in his eyes as he replied. “All right. I’ll have you moved out of your place and into mine before we go back to Dallas. Knowing what I now know about your neighborhood, I’ll feel better if you move. I live closer to your father, anyway. He’ll be thrilled to know you’re moving uptown.”
Whoa. What had just happened? “How do you know where my father lives?”
Did he turn the faintest shade of pink? “I might have formed a friendship with your father.”
“I called him the day we moved in together to get the full story of your stalker. I knew I wouldn’t get it from you, so I talked to him. He’s worried about you and I think him knowing that I am taking responsibility for you makes him feel better.”
Now she was fairly certain she’d turned beet red. “Please tell me you didn’t explain D/s to my father.”
His lips curled up in the most honest smile she’d ever seen from him. “I didn’t have to. He asked if I was going to top you. He’s known about it ever since he figured out you got a membership to Sanctum.”