But the water felt good. It didn’t quite hit his chest though. He would have to make do. He leaned over, trying to reach the soap. It was barely out of reach.
Suddenly, perfect pink nipples were right in his line of sight as Tiffany leaned over, grabbing the soap. They were right there. He could pop one in his mouth and suckle at will.
“Were you looking for this, babe?”
Fuck. He was hard as a rock. His cock was jutting up, aching and needy. She was naked. Completely beautifully naked and he realized what a long time it had been since he’d seen her like this. He’d indulged in hurried sex with her, shifting her skirt aside, keeping them both on edge.
He was naked with her. Nothing at all between them.
She was so beautiful.
“Look at that,” she said, her lips curling up. “I’m looking at your naked body and my nipples are hard. I’m not running, Sebastian. As a matter of fact, if you check, you’ll find I’m already getting wet and it’s not about the water.”
He couldn’t help but look down at his legs. Where they used to be. How long was he going to allow this to hold him back? How long was he going to let what happened with Alicia beat him?
“I don’t like how they look. It’s not how I see myself.”
Tiffany knelt down, getting lower than him so she could look up into his eyes. “I don’t know how you looked before, but I love your body. I love it because it means you survived.”
Her hands were on his legs and he shivered at the feeling. No one touched him there except impersonal doctors. No long, loving caresses of his flesh. No affection. God, he was hungry for her and it was making him reckless.
He stared down at his ruined limbs. His left leg had been amputated below the knee, his right almost entirely gone. He had some thigh left, but both legs ended in stumps, the surgical scars showing how hard it had been for the doctors to save him.
Her fingers brushed over the small wound that caused so much damn trouble. Two stitches. It was all he’d required. It was one small scar in a battlefield, but that one tiny scratch might save him.
“Tell me how this happened.”
He didn’t like her ordering him around. Something about being naked with her made his instincts flare. “Excuse me?”
Her head dropped down to a more submissive position, but not before he saw the way she smiled. Like a kid given the keys to the candy store.
Was it manipulation? Or the desperate plea of a sub to her stubborn Dom? He wasn’t sure it mattered anymore.
“Could you please tell me how it happened, Master?” Tiffany asked, her hands moving over the skin of his legs. She didn’t avoid the stumps, didn’t gingerly move around them so she didn’t have to touch the spot where he’d been sewn up. She embraced them in a way he never had.
It felt so good.
“I fell in the shower one morning and then I banged into one of the tables at Top and reopened it. I lost my footing. I didn’t realize until later that the scratch had opened a wound. When you get closer to the stump, the skin becomes less sensitive.”
It didn’t feel that way now though. His skin felt alive for the first time in forever.
“So if you’d taken care of it and spent some time in the chair, you would probably have been all right?”
“Probably.” He watched as she reached over and grabbed the bottle of body wash.
She pumped soap into her hands and then she was working it over his body. She started with his hands, taking one in hers and working her way up the arm. “I would like for this relationship to work. I want it very badly but for it to work, you have to trust me.”
It felt so good. So damn good. She moved to his side, soaping her way up his other arm, not missing an inch of skin. He would be so clean when she was done. He’d made do with quick wash downs, but Tiffany was going to make sure he was thoroughly cleaned. Her hands were strong, working across his muscles. Between her touch and the heat of the shower, he felt the bunched up, overworked muscles begin to relax. “I do trust you. So much more than anyone else.”
She got to her feet and started to clean his shoulders, massaging them as she went. “I don’t know about that. I had to kidnap you to get you here.”
“I could have left.” The door had been right there and he hadn’t taken it. Yes, she’d had his phone, but he could have easily made his way to Top and someone there could have called him a cab.
Yet he’d sat in his chair, staring at the wall and wishing she would come back.
“Why didn’t you?” Her hands moved down his back.
He let his torso shift to give her better access. When her thumbs moved on either side of his spine, he couldn’t hold back a groan of pure pleasure. “I knew if I left that it was over and no matter what I said, I didn’t want this to be over. I didn’t want to leave you. I wanted things to go back to the way they were, but I wasn’t willing to leave you.”