“Sebastian is fine,” he replied. “You can call me Master Sebastian when we’re in the kink world.”
Milo grinned like a five-year-old with an ice cream. “Kink world. I like the sound of that. It might make up for losing potentially millions of dollars. Might.”
“I was under the impression you wouldn’t have actually won that case,” Sebastian said. “I rather thought this was all a way to force Ian Taggart to allow you into Sanctum. I have to ask. With all your money and power, why not start your own club? If you really could have won the patent, why lose millions?”
He suddenly seemed more confident, a bit taller. When Milo Jaye talked about his business, she believed him. “Maybe I could have. Maybe not. Maybe I had been working on it or maybe I found a weakness and exploited it to get what I wanted.”
Gina held out a hand. “Hey, he did try to get into the club the normal way. That Ian person is a jerk.”
“I would suggest you call him Master Ian the next time you see him.” There was Sebastian’s Dom voice.
It was interesting that it didn’t seem to work on Gina. Her chin was still tilted up even as she replied. “Of course.”
She had her work cut out with that one. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll go over how to behave when playing. It’s all simple. The rules of the club are all plainly stated and everyone will help you. Despite Master Ian’s persona, he’s quite nice. You’ll like it at Sanctum and I don’t think Mr. Jaye will miss a few million dollars.”
“We’ll see,” he said. He nodded to Sebastian. “All right, then. I’ll leave you two to the rest of your evening. It’s good to know Taggart took my request seriously. I don’t want some couple that’s never worked together trying to teach us how to be a good threesome. I was actually hoping Miles and his family would be the ones to teach us.”
Adam, Jake, and Serena would have been the best bet, but apparently Adam wasn’t about to train the man who’d threatened him. Still, she wasn’t going to say it out loud.
“Unfortunately, the nature of Serena’s business makes it difficult for her to be involved, and submissive training is as important as Dom training.” Tiffany was pleased with how reasonable she managed to sound.
“Yes, it is,” Sebastian said. “It really helps to train the sub to listen to her Dom and not go rogue. Going rogue tends to end poorly for everyone involved, but especially for the submissive. Learning to allow your Dom to lead can be a hard lesson, but a valuable one.”
She was in so much trouble. It sent a shiver down her spine that wasn’t at all about fear.
Gina’s hand slid down to find Milo’s. “I look forward to it and it was lovely to meet you, Tiffany. Honey, please come and say good-bye.”
Honey hopped up immediately, her hair bouncing. “Thank god. This was so boring.”
“Honey…” Gina’s voice had gone low. “Don’t be rude.”
Honey gave them a smile Tiffany was sure no one in their right mind would believe. “Sorry. I’ve had a lovely time.”
Tiffany ushered them out the door, her heart starting to flutter in her chest. What was he going to do to her? She turned back around and decided to pretend like absolutely nothing was wrong. Fake it until you make it. That was her mantra of the day. “Well, that was weird.”
Sebastian was somehow frowning at her with his whole body. “That did not go the way I would have liked.”
“I know. I don’t think he’s a Dom. You’ve got your work cut out for you.” She went about cleaning up the living room, grabbing the wine glasses and taking them to the kitchen.
“You knew I wanted to talk about it before we gave them a backstory.”
Yep. She knew. “I’m sorry. It happened so fast and I didn’t actually give them any history. I just talked about how happy we are. We’re supposed to be happy, right?”
He was still for a moment. “Tiffany, why do I get the feeling you’re manipulating me?”
Shit. She needed to avoid this particular conversation at all costs. “I was only trying to keep up appearances. If you think I did something wrong, I’m willing to take whatever punishment you choose.”
“But you don’t, do you?” He stared at her as though contemplating what to do next. “If I send you to your room and tell you not to come out except for work and put you under high protocol at all times, I suspect you’ll give me trouble.”
High protocol? She did not intend to spend this time with him asking for permission to speak. “It would be really hard for us to work together if I can’t even communicate with you. Sebastian, I get it. I should have held back, but I was impulsive and I started talking. It’s something I do and it’s probably going to make you crazy. I know your instinct is to punish me by pushing me away, but I think that would be a mistake.”
“And I think you are very good at playing me. I reserve the right to punish you for tonight. I have to think about it. Good night, Tiffany. We leave for work in the morning at nine a.m. Do not be late.” He turned and walked away.
“Good night, Sir.”
He didn’t turn around and she hoped she hadn’t hurt her cause.
Chapter Six