Page 537 of Deep Pockets

She loved his accent so much. She loved it when he was being all dommy, but she also loved the slightly amused sound he got when she’d done something silly. “Okay. We met at Top. You were the handsome, dashing sommelier and I was the waitress with a heart of gold and a hard bottom.”

His lips curled up. “You’re not a hard bottom.”

Now he was besmirching her honor as a submissive. “Am, too.”

Every second she kept him from saying the words was one more for Milo Jaye to show his ass up and save her whole hastily thought out plan. She didn’t have time to think of another one.

One brow arched over his eyes and he sat back, his big, muscular arms going over his chest. “Oh, really? Do you think I won’t test that?”

If her poor backside had to ache, then she could handle it. The soreness from the earlier spanking was gone and she missed it. “I expect that you will. You know what I love? A good long spanking over a comfy lap. Why don’t I lay myself right down over yours and we’ll see who gives out first?”

His skin flushed slightly and she glanced down discreetly. Sure enough, his slacks were a little more tented than they had been before.

Proof positive she was doing the right thing. She stood up, ready to completely bare her ass. It was a sacrifice she actually wouldn’t mind making in the slightest, so it didn’t necessarily count as a sacrifice. Actually, her nipples were a little hard at the thought of his hand slamming down on her ass. She would find a way to end up completely naked and cuddled in his arms.

A smart girl got what she wanted. A good girl made sure her Dom got what he needed, too.

She was going to make sure she was a very good girl.

“You want to push the boundaries?” His mouth had taken on a hard line, those sensual lips flattening.

Hell, yeah. He thought he was talking about her boundaries, but she intended to push his own. By the time her ass was red, he wouldn’t be able to keep that careful distance. The trouble was he always selected women who didn’t press against those carefully placed walls of his. She wasn’t going to push them. She was going to break them all down and get her guy.

Tiffany hooked her fingers into the belt loops of her shorts and got ready to bare all.

That was when the doorbell rang.

She wasn’t sure if she should curse the heavens or thank god she’d been saved. That was Milo Jaye and she hadn’t once heard Sebastian’s cowardly, protect-his-wounded-ass-heart plan. It left her free for what came next. “I’ll get it, Sir.”

“Tiffany,” he began.

She could hear the admonishment in his voice, but she pressed on. She threw open the door with a smile. A young man stood in the doorway, two women to his right. They were at least four inches taller than him and neither one was wearing heels. Milo Jaye had curly dark hair and wore a pair of mirrored aviators despite the fact that it was dark outside. He looked like someone had picked up a men’s fashion magazine and found a short-and-needed-some-muscle-sized version of cutting edge clothing.

His chin was up, but his shoulders were slumped. An odd combo for a Dom, but then he hadn’t been through training. Training would give him the confidence to not need the flashy clothes, the sunglasses when it was dark. At least he’d come to the right place. She gave him a bright smile. “Hello.”

Jaye sniffed and looked her over. “Hello, you must be Tiffany.”

“I am.”

One shoulder shrugged up and down. “Shouldn’t you…you know…greet me properly or something?”

Oh, he was going to be so much fun. “Hello, Mr. Jaye. How are you this evening?”

“I meant, aren’t you supposed to get to your knees and greet me?” His shoulders suddenly went back as if he remembered he was in charge. “Or are you not a submissive?”

“She is and she’s mine, so she certainly won’t be getting on her damn knees for someone who hasn’t earned his Master rights,” a dark voice said behind her. She felt Sebastian’s hands slide over her shoulders and felt a deep gratitude to the very delusional Milo Jaye. “Though you should understand that she’s never going to kneel for you. She’s mine and if you want to learn a damn thing from me, you’ll remember that.”

Sweet, sweet jealousy. It fed her. It nourished her. She would totally get rid of it at some point because he would understand she was only into him, but for now, she loved it.

Jaye’s eyes slid away. “Sorry. You’re twelve kinds of possessive. Got it. I kind of thought submissives were supposed to honor Doms. Guess I have a lot to learn.”

“How did she not honor you?” Sebastian asked. “Tiffany was perfectly polite. She greeted you. I’m sure she smiled because Tiffany always smiles. She struggles not to. That was all she owed you at this point.”

“But at some point, she’ll greet me naked, right?” Jaye asked.

She heard Sebastian growl behind her and his hand started toward the door. If she didn’t stop him, he would slam the door in the billionaire’s face and they would fail. She leaned back against him. “I think what he’s trying to say is at some point I’ll teach his very lovely submissives the proper and super-sexy way to greet their Master, right? Hi, girls. I’m Tiff. Why don’t you come in?”

Sebastian huffed, but he moved back, allowing her to invite the group into their temporary home.