Tiffany hadn’t been his choice, but for the next several weeks, she was his.
Perhaps if he explained it to her, she would understand. “The no-touching rule isn’t meant to hurt your feelings. It’s simply my way as a Dom.”
She set the dish on the stove. “I understand.”
But it was easy to see she was still hurt. He could tell her to find her affection elsewhere, but what would that mean? They didn’t have to keep up the ruse at work. Except Big Tag had tasked him with her protection and not simply the training issue.
Any way he looked at it, they were stuck together. He could give her what she needed or explain that she was free to find her affection elsewhere.
That idea rankled far more than he wanted to admit.
“I think for the remainder of our contract that I don’t want you to flirt with other men,” he said slowly, the idea ruminating in his head. She was his sub no matter how she’d come under his protection. He could look at this as nothing more than an exercise in flexibility. It didn’t have to mean a thing. It was all about giving her what she needed. When he really thought about it, this could make him a better Dom. More disciplined.
She turned. “So I’m not allowed to touch you and I’m not allowed to flirt. What exactly constitutes flirting? Should I not hug anyone at all? I didn’t expect that of you, Sebastian. I have to say, I’m disappointed.”
“Do you have the slightest bit of patience?”
She frowned. “It’s not something I’m known for.”
He would have to fix that. Yes, now he could see that he could help her with any number of issues, but he would have to be flexible. This could work and the next few weeks would be easy and peaceful if only he accepted her needs. “I understand that you require physical affection. I have my own needs. I require that you show me some loyalty while you’re under contract to me. Despite the fact that this is all for show, our coworkers will know about the change in our status and I would prefer that there was no gossip surrounding us. If you require a hug, you should get it from me. I’ll remove my rule about touching, but you should understand it’s been in place for a long time and I’ll have to get used to it.”
Her lips curled up in a brilliant smile. Damn, when that girl smiled the whole room lit up. She moved toward him cautiously and stepped into his space.
She was small compared to him, delicate to his hulking beast. He could try to hide it in slick suits and polished manners, but he knew who he was inside.
She tilted her head up, making eye contact with him. “I could use a hug right now, Sir. I missed my aftercare from the spanking and it’s bothered me ever since.”
“It was a disciplinary spanking.” He’d praised her for doing well. Still, he remembered how vulnerable she’d looked afterward. Had the absence of physical affection been harder on her than the spanking? He hadn’t meant to hurt her in that fashion. God, he felt awkward. He wasn’t sure exactly how to press on. Should he start the hug? Around her shoulders or should he take her waist?
“I know it was, but I can be quite insecure, and words don’t work the way a hug would. If you want to show me I’ve done something well, I would like for you to touch me in some way. I know you’re the Dom, but I hope you’ll think about it. I think it could make us a better team.” She eased her arms around him, moving slowly, as though she understood how weird this was for him.
Her body nestled against his, her head resting on his chest.
Her hair was the color of Chardonnay against the light. It was wheat and sunlight and with the shine of fine crystal. He let his arms move around her, trying to forget the awkward feel of her.
It wasn’t that awkward. She seemed perfectly comfortable. Perhaps he was doing all right. He took a deep breath, determined to give her this time. She’d performed admirably before, taking her discipline with grace. She should have this if she needed it. Her hair smelled like strawberries and cream. He breathed her in, focusing on the delicate scents that made up Tiffany Hayes. Under the fruit notes of her hair there was a clean, soapy scent. She smelled good. He let his arms circle her until he could feel the skin at the nape of her neck. Soft and smooth and warm like a blanket against his hand.
It wasn’t so bad. He could handle this.
It was quite nice.
Her head turned up and she seemed calmer than she’d been before. “Thank you, Sir. You give good hugs. You’re so big, you make me feel safe.”
He stepped back and took a deep breath, unwilling to admit how much her words meant to him. “Some people would say a woman as delicate as yourself should be careful around men as large as I am.”
She was right back to being happy, perky Tiffany. She turned on her heels and moved back to the oven where she was heating the vegetable dish Eric had brought to accompany the pork loin. “Some people are morons.”
He was about to chastise her for using a rude word when she held up her large spoon and turned back to him.
“Could you pour me another glass, please, Sir? It was delicious. I’m so looking forward to dinner. I’ve worked up an appetite.” She winked his way and turned back around, giving him a very good view of her round ass.
He steadied his hand and poured her another glass.
He was getting pretty hungry himself.
Chapter Five
As first days went, it had gone pretty damn well. Tiffany placed the final dish away and sighed with satisfaction. Sebastian was educable. She’d worried a little that he might prove too damaged to get through to after the spanking that had led to no touching of any kind, but now she realized her Master was merely ignorant, and ignorance could totally be cured.