Page 486 of Deep Pockets

His response is quick and he confirms they have good burgers and wings. A sports bar isn’t my go-to, but it will do.

Entering the bar, I recognize Michael’s blond hair and tall stature. He gives a two-finger wave and I join him and another guy who looks like he’s been taken right out of a mobster lineup with his slick, black hair and muddy, brown suit.

“Grayson, how are ya, bud?”

“Good, man, ready for a drink after those flights.”

Michael points to his company.

“Grayson, this is James Oliver, James this is Grayson Cole.”

I outstretch my hand and shake his.

“You’re from Florida, right?”

“Yeah, just joined over a week ago.”

“Welcome to Schmidt and Costello.”

Reaching to the end of the table, I grab a menu. “Thanks. You worked with S&C long?”

“Yeah.” James nods. “Six years now.”

“Either of you know what this meeting is about? I was called on Saturday to join and haven’t received much information.”

Michael lowers his beer. “Yeah, I know one of the things they want to discuss. They’re opening another branch in Atlanta. They want to know if any of us branch agents have employee recommendations for the new location. They’re looking for current, experienced agents to be the new branch agent there.”

“You got any good candidates?” James asks.

A weight settles in the pit of my stomach. “Yeah, a couple. Two women that have been working for S&C for five or six years. They’re both great employees.”

A cute, blonde waitress wearing a cleavage-bearing tank top sashays up to our high-top table. “What can I get you?” she asks with a little more pep than is necessary.

Her eyes linger on me and usually my first thought would be what a fun fuck she’d be while I’m here in New York, but instead, I grimace as the thoughts of Emma flash through my mind. I’d rather it be Emma’s pussy I bury myself in. Damn, how I wish she was back at my hotel, naked, spread and waiting for me.

“I’ll take a scotch. The best you have. Make it a double.”

“You got it, babe. Would you fellas like anything to eat?”

We share our orders and she flashes me a wink before leaving the table.

“I think that hot little number wants a piece of you, Grayson.”

“Yeah,” I say carelessly as I put the menu back between the condiments.

“You gonna take her back to your hotel?” Michael asks with a wolfish grin.

I shrug and look her direction. She’s eyeing me with a fuck-me gaze. She’d probably be an easy screw, in and out of the hotel in an hour, but hell if Emma hasn’t gotten in deep. Just the thought of taking this chick back to my hotel room, leaves me with, what the hell is this feeling? Guilt? My jaw is tense when I return my attention back to Michael. “Probably not.”

“Got a woman back home?”

I rub the back of my neck. “How long does it take to pour a glass of scotch?”

Michael laughs and takes a swig of his beer. “She must mean something to you if you’re turning down that.” He points the top of his beer bottle in the direction of the waitress.

“What else is on this week’s agenda?” I ask, changing the subject.

Michael and James smirk behind their drinks. Fuckers.