Page 313 of Deep Pockets

“You’re just diving head first into this thing now, aren’t you?”

“This past week, I’ve found out what it’s like when you’re not a part of my life. I hated every second of it. I’m all in, Bee.” Say it back. I needed to hear her say it. That she wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her. All my cards were on the table. Each second that passed made my heart beat a little faster. Say it back, baby.

“I’m all in too.” She leaned against my shoulder. “I feel the exact same way.”

I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped from my mouth. Okay. I rested my head on top of hers. Now that I had gotten through the hardest part, we could have some fun. I loved that dress on her, but I probably should have told her to wear pants.

Chapter Sixty-Seven


I laughed as I started to fall again. Mason grabbed my hips to steady me, but I was already sliding forward on the ice. I ran straight into his chest, making him topple backwards as his skates slid out from underneath of him. I laughed as I fell down on top of his chest.

“Ow,” Mason groaned. He was slightly out of breath and his nose was pink from the cold. It was still flurrying and I wished I could capture this moment forever. He looked so handsome and happy. I had been so worried that I wouldn’t be enough for him. But he had made all my worries go away with our conversations earlier. He wanted a future with me. Or he wouldn’t have asked me to be his business partner.

“Sorry.” I smiled down at him.

“I’m pretty sure you broke my ass.”

“No! One of my favorite parts of you!”

He laughed and sat up. “How does hot chocolate sound?”

“Perfect.” I stumbled onto my feet. It was hard skating in the long dress, but it had still been fun. I reached my hand out to help him up. He grabbed it and pulled me back down on top of him.

“Are you trying to break my ass too?”

“I would never. That is my favorite part of you.”

“You’re a butt guy? How did I not know that?”

He shrugged. “I’m a Bee guy. Now let’s go get some hot chocolate. I’m freezing.”

We both got to our feet and skated off the rink, hand in hand. I sat down on the bench and undid my skates as he bought hot chocolate at the refreshment stand. He had said he had done this before with his mom and his brother when he was little. But again, no one special later in his life. The thought of me being his first love made me feel warm. I didn’t even need hot chocolate. It did feel good when he put the cup into my hands, but maybe it was more the gesture than the warmth from the cup. He was taking care of me. He was showing me a romantic side of New York that I hadn’t experienced. He was trying to tell me I belonged. Maybe even more so with him than in this city. I wasn’t sure why he was trying so hard to convince me. I had been convinced a long time ago.

But I had run. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. I never wanted to hurt him.

“You okay?” he asked as he put his arm around my shoulders. “I didn’t actually break your ass did I?”

I laughed. “No. You didn’t. Mason?”


“What did your dad say about the fight you had? About wanting to take over his business?”

“You were right. They’re proud of me.”

The way he said it sounded strange. Like he didn’t really believe it. “Is that what they said?”

“Yeah. It was weird. I’ve spent so many years resenting them. I’ve been such an idiot. My dad just wanted what was best for me. He thought that was taking over the family business. He didn’t know about all my dreams. Because I didn’t tell them. I shut them out.”

“They didn’t know you wanted to start an advertising agency?”

“No. They knew I wanted to work in advertising.” He laughed and shook his head. “My dad said I had turned out just like him after all. And he was excited to have another entrepreneur in the family. I didn’t think that would be their reaction.”

“Why did they cut you off then?”

“They wanted me to come back. Or maybe they just disapproved of my lifestyle. A combination maybe? It was just a misunderstanding. They were really excited to hear about you too. Almost as excited about hearing about the new company.”