I was never going to question his motives or resist one of his advances again. I was always happiest when his arms were around me. I didn’t care if he had gotten Knicks tickets or stalked me. I cared about what all that led to. Us. And all of that lead to where we were right now.
He groaned into my mouth as his hands slipped to my ass. “God I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“I was so worried you weren’t coming back.” He kissed the side of my neck. “I was so worried that I lost you.”
I pulled back. “You’re not so easy to quit either, Mason Caldwell.”
He moved his hands back to the sides of my face. “I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I’m never going to hurt you again.”
“I’m sorry too. I just freaked out when I heard you on the phone. But I know you weren’t trying to steal my ideas. I know you’re a good person.”
“I didn’t even finish everything I needed to tell you. You’re good at distracting me.” He didn’t make a move to push me off his lap. Instead, he pulled me closer, letting me rest my head against his shoulder. “Seeing your marketing ideas was an accident. I was just trying to leave you a note. But it was hard to look away. Your ideas are good, Bee. Good enough to land the Sword account.”
He was fiddling with the ends of my hair. I closed my eyes and just breathed in the familiar scent of him.
“James called me after that Layla’s Predictions fiasco. He had a friend on the board that knew the company was losing all their accounts. It was pretty clear that Kruger was going to go bankrupt in a few days. I needed to take that shot. It was just an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
“I’m glad you got it. I’m not mad at you.”
“But I knew everyone at Kruger was going to lose their jobs…”
I laughed and lifted my head off his shoulder. “That explains your reaction that night. You knew I wasn’t going to get a promotion. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“James made me promise not to tell anyone. His friend could have gotten in a lot of trouble if anyone who had stock in the company suddenly started selling their shares.”
“So, you got Knicks tickets to go on a date with me, stalked me, turned our relationship into a game, stole my advertising ideas, let me believe I was getting a promotion when you knew I was getting fired, and then bought the company that fired me? Is that about right?”
“Yeah, but I…”
“What’s your end game now?” I tried to raise my eyebrow. I hated that I couldn’t give him the same challenging look that he was so easily able to give me.
He smiled down at me. “A good friend of mine told me that until life gives you something right, it’s hard to realize how wrong you’ve been.” He pushed a strand of hair out of my face. “I haven’t really been living. Not until I met you. You’re my end game. Making you happy is my new permanent end game. And,” he grabbed my waist and stood up. He set me down on the edge of the desk and leaned into me. “The same friend told me that women prefer the truth over grand gestures. But I’m kind of a fan of grand gestures.” He grabbed a business card off his desk and handed it to me.
“Bee Inspired Media Group?” I looked up at him. “You’re naming your new company after me?” I felt a flutter in my chest. It wasn’t just a symbol of his love. It was the grandest apology I had ever seen.
“No. Well, yes, but there’s more.” He tapped the side of the card.
I looked back down at it. Bee Cowan, co-founder of BIMG. My eyes darted back up to his. “Mason, I can’t do this with you. I’ve never even had an advertising job.”
“You landed our first account.”
“Our first account?” I looked back down at the card.
“For the record, we have seven other accounts that I landed with my own ideas. That was the only one I stole, I swear. We can probably get a few more with some of your other ideas, though.”
“You really want me to do this with you?”
“I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else. You have what it takes, Bee. And I always want you by my side.”
It was like every dream I had rolled into one. “This is a very elaborate Valentine’s Day gift, Mason.” I couldn’t seem to stop looking at the business card. I had never even had my name on a business card before. And now I was the co-founder of a huge company?
“Hmm.” He put his index finger under my chin and titled my gaze back to his. “I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t your Valentine’s Day gift.”
“It’s not?”
“How about you go back to Kendra’s and get changed? I’ll pick you up in an hour.”