Page 302 of Deep Pockets

“I know you weren’t pretending, Mason. I know you feel something more than that for me. It wasn’t a game. I know you feel it too. Can we please just talk about this for a second?” He has to feel it too.

“Fucking is my hobby. You were right from the start. You shouldn’t have gotten attached.”

“So that’s it? You’ve gotten what you wanted and now you’re done with me?”

“Like I said, you were easy.”

I should have seen it coming. I had gotten so many warnings. I had seen warning signs myself. But I didn’t pay attention to them. He completely blindsided me. It was easy for that to happen when you let yourself be vulnerable. I had fallen in love with another asshole.

“I hope you enjoyed your game, Mason.” I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door. This time he didn’t call after me. He had gotten what he wanted. He used me and cast me aside like a hooker. Because that’s all he knew. He was a sad, pathetic excuse for a man. And I was an idiot for thinking he’d change for me.

Chapter Sixty-Two


I was on my fourth drink, but nothing could seem to numb the pain. It had felt amazing to tell Darren that I quit, but it would have been more rewarding if I hadn’t just had the worst morning of my life. I still couldn’t believe I said all those things to Bee. But how could she say all that to me? I hadn’t tricked her into falling in love with me. She didn’t love me at all. She was still in love with Patrick. I downed the rest of my drink and waived the bartender over for a refill.

I stared down into my glass when the scotch was filled up to the top again. I couldn’t go home. I knew Bee wouldn’t be there anymore. And that thought killed me. All her stuff would be gone, but there would be that lingering smell of her. I didn’t want to fall asleep in an empty bed. I didn’t want to do anything without her. Asking her to move in had been a shot in the dark. I had hoped I could get her to stay. I was a fucking idiot. I tilted my head back and downed half of my next drink.

“Matt told me I could find you here,” James said and slid into the bar stool next to mine. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” I slammed my glass back down on the bar.

“Well, I heard you landed the Sword Body Wash account. And three others. You’ll probably get a few more before the week is over.”

“Yeah.” I stared down into my glass again.

“So shouldn’t we be celebrating? This is everything you’ve ever wanted.”

“I thought it was.”

“You’re getting soft like me, huh?”

“No.” I felt like I wanted to cry. Fuck, I am getting soft.

“Being in love doesn’t make you soft, despite what my brother says.”

“I’m not in love.” I moved my glass around so that the ice cubes clinked against the glass.

“So she’s just some girl? There’s plenty more right out that door. I guess you’ll forget about her in a few days then.”

“I don’t want to forget about her.” And I couldn’t. How could I possibly forget about Bee? She was smart, funny, and that perfect combination of beautiful and sexy.

“Because you love her.”

“Maybe.” I looked over at James. “She told me she loved me. Not in like a cute way, like in a throwing it in my face because she hates me way.” I didn’t want to tell him about stealing her idea. I didn’t want anyone else to know how big of an idiot I was. “I screwed up.”

“So why don’t you go talk to her?”

“We’re done. There’s nothing to talk about.”

“If you’re this messed up, I’m sure she is too.”

“I doubt she is. I’m pretty sure she’s just hung up on her ex. I was a filler. She’s probably running back to him right now.”

“If she is, it’s only because you pushed her away.”

I put my elbows on the table. I did push her away. I told her she was easy. I told her she was just like every other slut in this city. I was a prick. But she just had this way of making my blood boil.