“In those words? No. But he undid his pants and told me to get on my knees.”
“Holy shit. Bee, you have to tell someone.”
“Who? My boss?”
“I don’t know. Someone on the board maybe? There’s people above him. He didn’t start this company. It’s sexual harassment. You could win that lawsuit.”
“I really just want to put it behind me. I’m going to find something better.”
“Anything is better than that. But what are you going to do? You couldn’t afford your rent as it was.”
For the first time, I realized what losing my job actually meant. I didn’t have any money. It was possible that my bank account was at zero. I had student loans. And my rent was past due. I hadn’t been to my place in so long I had completely forgotten to pay Naomi. “I…” my voice trailed off. “I don’t know. I just felt so good about elbowing him in the groin that I hadn’t really processed what was happening. I just lost my job.”
“You elbowed his dick?” Kendra started laughing.
“And now I’m going to be homeless.”
“You’re not homeless. You can come stay with me.”
“But I can’t afford half the…”
“I was paying it by myself anyway. Just until you get another job. Then you can pay half.” She smiled at me. “You didn’t think I was going to let you run back to Wilmington, did you? You belong here.”
Several weeks ago I would have fought with her about that. But she was right. This is where I belonged. At least, this is where I needed to be right now. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. I’ve been begging you to come live with me for months. Now you have no choice.”
I laughed and gave her a big hug. “Thanks, Kendra. You’re the best.”
“I’m glad you’re not pissed at me. I’m sorry if I got your hopes up. I really thought that position would be yours.”
“Me too. It’s not your fault. You’re still the best.”
She laughed. “I can’t wait to shove that in Marie’s face. She won’t stop talking about how awesome she is since things have been going so well between you and Mason.”
I released Kendra from my hug. “About that. When is it too soon to tell someone that you love them?”
Kendra smiled. “Wait for him to do that first.”
“Okay. But what if…”
“Trust me, Bee. Let him say it first. If you’re feeling that way, I’m sure he is too.”
The elevator doors dinged open and I stepped on. Her words didn’t really deter me. Mason had already told me he loved me. Right back there on my desk. I smiled to myself and stepped onto the elevator.
“Should I come over tonight to help you get your stuff?” Kendra asked.
“It’s okay. I’m going to ask Mason to help me.”
“Of course you are. See you later, roomie.”
I smiled as the elevator doors closed.
* * *
I pulled out the last box that was in the corner of my closet. I lifted off the lid. It was filled with things that Patrick had left here. Including his worn University of New Castle t-shirt that I always used to sleep in. After I had kicked him out I had slept in it until his scent had completely disappeared. There was a scrapbook at the bottom of the box that I had made him, which led up to a photo that his friend had snapped of his proposal. I didn’t open it. He had left a few CDs and movies here when he had moved out. Things that we had listened to or watched together. I was pretty sure he had done it to torture me. I had sat in that same shirt crying, watching Fight Club. Which was ridiculous.
I’d just throw the box away. I was done thinking about Patrick. I didn’t even feel sad about leaving the apartment. Moving in with Kendra would be a fresh start. I could officially leave the past in the past. Coming back to this apartment while I was dating Mason had felt strange anyway. Like I was holding on to something. I was ready to let go. I put the lid back on top of the box.