I smiled to myself. “Really?” He still hadn’t said those words to me. But he had said that we were exclusive and that he wasn’t going anywhere. We were a couple. I felt my cheeks blushing. Hearing that suddenly made the fact that my ad pitch had been rejected in favor of a pornographic ploy not matter quite as much.
“Yes, really,” Kendra said. “So what Marie and I are both wondering is why you didn’t tell us about this huge step?”
“We hadn’t exactly discussed those labels yet. Did he really say that?” I couldn’t help the smile that was now plastered to my face. Just thinking about Mason gave me this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach.
“He did. I never thought you of all people would end up with Manhattan’s hottest playboy.”
I laughed. “I think that title is a little bold. He’s not really like that.”
“Not anymore. He’s given up his life of sin. You really have a hold on him.”
I felt my face blush again and looked at the beautiful roses on my desk. They had arrived this morning with a note from Mason, saying that he had noticed the other ones he had given me were wilting. Which he had noticed while he was banging me on the desk. I’m sure my face turned even redder.
“And you’ve also been playing hooky.”
“It was such a mess out yesterday. Getting to work is hard in the snow.”
“Mhm. So on a scale of one to pre Patrick cheating on you, how in love with Mason are you?”
I wanted to believe that I was just falling in love with Mason. That I hadn’t actually crossed that line yet. I wasn’t the type of girl that just fell head over heels for some guy. With Patrick, our relationship had progressed slowly. But with Mason? It was like I had sledded down the steepest slope imaginable right into his arms. It wasn’t just that I wanted to be with him every second. I needed him. He made me feel happy and desired and whole. That was it. He made me feel whole again.
I looked up at Kendra. “I’ve never felt this way about someone before.”
“Holy shit.” She dragged out the ‘o’ and ‘y’ in holy. “You like him more than you liked Patrick?”
I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. For some reason I felt like I wanted to cry. I liked him so much more than Patrick. And it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t want to lose him. I couldn’t lose him too.
“Hey.” Kendra scooted off the edge of her desk. “Bee, what’s wrong?”
I wiped the tears quickly off my cheeks. What is wrong with me?
Kendra wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly. “Tell me, Bee.”
“Nothing good lasts forever.”
Kendra laughed and pulled away. “That’s not true. Look at Marie and Carter. They’re so happy.”
“They’re the only example of a happy couple that I know. They’re the exception. I’ve just gotten used to the idea that I’m going to end up alone. Like you said, I’m meant to be a cat lady.”
Kendra smiled. “Mason sounds a lot better than a clowder of cats. I know you were scared to get back out there. But you shouldn’t be scared now. The hard part is finding someone worthy of your love. You’ve already found him. And from what it sounds like, he’s completely smitten with you.”
“Until he gets bored with me.”
“Hon.” Kendra put her hand on top of mine. “Stop selling yourself short. I know how Patrick made you feel. We’ve all been dumped. It sucks. But it doesn’t mean you give up and buy cats.”
I laughed. “I know.” I was so scared, though. The thought of Mason leaving me too terrified me. Patrick had promised me that he’d never leave me either. A promise was only as sincere as the person giving it. I wanted to believe that Mason was sincere. He seemed so sincere. And that’s why it was so scary. Because I believed him. And I loved him. I was so in love with him.
* * *
The conference room had been turned into a mini theater for the viewing party. Jenkins was sitting at the front next to Mr. Ellington. His left knee kept bouncing up and down, clearly jittery with the anticipation of how all this was going to turn out.
“It’s on, it’s on! Shhh!” Jenkins yelled as Layla Torrez appeared on the screen. They had dressed her in an outfit that was not at all appropriate for a weather girl to wear. Layla immediately asked what she was guessing today.
The voice of Brian Scott, the news anchor, came through with a touch of humor. “Penis sizes.”
The whole conference room laughed at Layla’s shocked reaction. But I just felt bad for her. The stupid men at Kruger advertising were making a joke at her expense. This could ruin her career. A few seconds later the segment went to commercial break.
Mr. Ellington stood up and faced all his employees. “Here’s to another successful campaign. And to the FCC disbanding.” He lifted up his glass of champagne.