Page 267 of Deep Pockets

Chapter Fifty-One


I pulled my phone out and looked at it under the table. I had gotten into a routine the past two weeks. In the morning, I woke up and fucked Bee. I went to work all day and tried not to think about her. And then I came home at night and fucked her again. It had been the best two weeks of my life. She had somehow transported me back to high school where I had no control over my erections. And my dick knew it was time. But instead of being with her, I was at a bar with James and his little brother. That would normally be fun, but tonight I just wanted to fuck Bee and then curl up on the couch with her and watch whatever was on T.V.

My cell phone screen was blank. She still hadn’t texted me. Who worked this late on a Friday night? I slid my phone back into my pocket.

“Dude, you’ve got it bad.” James’ little brother, Rob, was visiting from out of town. And he had a tendency to tell it like it was. He had liked pushing my buttons ever since we were kids. But now that we were adults, I couldn’t just beat him up whenever he pissed me off.

I laughed. “Yeah, right.” I took a sip of my beer and looked away from him.

“Please don’t tell me you’re going to turn into my brother,” Rob said.

“Penny’s hot, but she’s a little young for me.”

James cleared his throat. “Have either of you been following the government shutdown? It really seems like it’s going to happen. Without the FCC…”

“No one wants to talk about that,” Rob said. “Stop being boring. Back to you.” He pointed at me. “This girl has got a hold on you.”

“No she doesn’t. Give me a break.”

“You haven’t stopped looking at your phone since you’ve gotten here.”

“Hey!” Matt said and clapped Rob on the back. “It’s been forever, man.” He sat down next to me and pulled off his jacket. “What did I miss?”

“We were just talking about how Mason is whipped,” Rob said.

Matt laughed.

“You’re just jealous that I’m getting laid every night,” I said.

“I’m fucking rich and I live in a college town,” Rob said. “Plus, have you seen me? I get laid all the time.” He took a sip of his beer.

I laughed. “Living there was a brilliant idea. I can’t even argue with your logic. Do you ever miss it, James?”

“No. I was a professor. I wasn’t going out partying, screwing students.”

“Just the one student?”

“Yup, just Penny. How many times are you guys going to ask me that?”

“I just don’t get it,” Matt said. “If you didn’t care about keeping your job, you should have nailed as many girls as you could. College girls? Fuck. You really let the ball drop.”

“You guys have seen Penny,” Rob said. “I get it. I mean…damn.”

James laughed. “Yeah, I got the best girl there. Rob can have all my leftovers. Penny is all I need.”

Rob frowned. “They’re not leftover if you never tapped them.”

James shrugged. “I’m going to go get another drink. Anyone else want another beer?”

“No, I’m good,” I said. “I can’t stay that much longer anyway.”

James laughed. “It’s too late, Rob. He’s already like me.”

“Mason, I just got here,” Matt said. “Come on, you have to be my wingman. There is a blonde at 9 o’clock that I have to nail.”

“I told Bee I’d pick her up once she’s done with work.”