Page 253 of Deep Pockets

“No, I heard you. Do you want some tea?” She ducked under my arm.

“What? No.” I didn’t like this dancing around game. I had put in the necessary time. I had come up here so I could finally fuck her and that’s what I was going to do.

Chapter Forty-Three


I zipped my dress back up and opened the fridge. My whole body felt overheated. I leaned in to let the cool air hit my face as I tried to stop panting. I had almost lost all my resolve. God, he was so sexy. I looked over my shoulder at him and then quickly turned back to the fridge. The way his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso, made it hard for me to focus.

I wanted to sleep with him. Badly. How could I not? He was handsome, and quick tongued, and said all the right things to make me feel alive down there. But he had just admitted that he wasn’t a good guy. I wasn’t sure if the past week had just been a lie or a game to him, but I didn’t want us to become a one night thing. It wasn’t just crazy attraction. I was really starting to like him. I just needed more time. I wanted to get to know him. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.

I shook my head and grabbed two beers from the fridge. “How about a beer then?

He eyed me suspiciously. I popped the tops off and handed him one.

“Okay, we’ll do it your way then.” He took a long, slow sip of the beer while he walked over to my bed. He kicked his shoes off and slid under the covers.

“What are you doing?” I wasn’t sure how many times I was going to have to ask him that question.

“You wanted to talk. Let’s talk.” He patted the bed beside him. He took another sip of his beer and put his arm behind his head.

I looked back at the kitchen chairs. It would look ridiculous if I pulled one up next to him. I could control myself. Couldn’t I? Besides, the apartment was cold. It would be nice to have the warmth of the covers. Or his arms. Damn it, get a grip! I took a deep breath and walked around to the other side of the bed. I quickly took off my heels and climbed into the bed, keeping my distance.

“So, Bee, what is it exactly that you wanted to talk about?”

I sat cross legged and took a sip of beer. I tried to keep my eyes on his face, because his six pack was too distracting. He looked so comfortable in my bed. “I just feel like I still don’t know you.”

He frowned slightly. “You’re shivering, Bee.”

“What?” The apartment was cold. But I was also excited and nervous. The way he was looking at me made goose bumps rise on my skin.

“Here.” He moved right next to me and put his arms around my shoulders. “Better?” He raised his eyebrow at me.

“Yes.” My voice sounded small. He ran his hand up and down my arm. I took a deep breath, smelling his cologne. He smelled like one of those cologne sample from a magazine. I let my head rest on his shoulder. Even though we were in bed together, it didn’t seem like he was being forward. He was actually being a gentleman. Something that he swore to me he wasn’t. He was so sexy, but he was also funny and easy to talk to.

“I can’t read you at all. This whole week you were such a gentleman, despite the fact that you like to deny that you are. I just don’t understand you.”

“It’s easy to be a gentleman around you. I think you bring out the best in me.” He frowned again. He clearly wasn’t used to saying things like that. He almost looked pissed at himself for admitting it out loud.

“You’re different than other guys in this city.”

“And why is that?”

“You’re actually nice. I don’t know anyone else who would have comforted me while I was crying after only knowing me a few days.”

“I didn’t like seeing you cry.”

“I really like you.” I shifted so that I could look up at him again. “I just want to know that it’s more than just physical attraction.”

“It’s more than just physical. I promise you, it’s more than that for me.” He leaned down and kissed me.

Chapter Forty-Four


I looked down at the girl’s head on my chest. Bee. Shit. I rarely ever spent the night. And I definitely never spent the night after not even having sex. We had made out a lot. But mostly, we had just talked all night. And laughed. She was so down to earth. So much different than the other women I had been meeting in the city. I ran my fingers through her long hair. I thought I was lying when I said it was more than just physical. But I wasn’t. I was falling for this girl. She stirred and sighed against my chest. Shit.

I unwound her arms from around me and pulled my hand free from underneath of her. I tried not to make the bed move as I climbed off it. I stared down at her as I buttoned up my shirt. We must have fallen asleep talking. What the hell is wrong with me? This girl had crawled under my skin.