“Yeah. I mean, I haven’t even met his parents yet.”
“But you’ve been dating for a really long time.”
“Mhm. Every time we make plans, they cancel at the last minute. I guess I’m just not exactly their first choice for their son.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
Penny laughed. “No, it is. James is way out of my league.”
“I’m completely out of my league with Mason too!”
She laughed again. “I am so glad that you are with Mason. Now we can finally go on double dates. Whenever he comes over, I feel like I end up being the third wheel.”
“They are kind of cute together,” I said and looked over at them again.
“Do you know what I miss most about Delaware?” Penny asked.
“Grottos Pizza.”
I laughed. “That is my favorite pizza ever. There’s so many on the boardwalk that whenever I eat it, it just tastes like summer.”
“I know! Pizza here is great, but it doesn’t taste like summer.”
Mason and James both shook someone’s hand and then started walking back over to us.
“Can I ask you something real quick?” I asked.
“Of course.”
“Do you think Mason knows how to be in a relationship?”
Penny hesitated for a second. “Yes. Mason is a really good guy. It just takes some time to get to know the real him.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Please don’t worry about what I said before. I think you’re perfect for him. I mean, look at how he’s looking at you.”
Mason was staring at me. Maybe I was imagining it, but it wasn’t that different from the way James was looking at Penny. Maybe this really could be more.
“And you’re lucky,” Penny said. “You don’t have to worry about meeting Mason’s parents anytime soon.”
“What do you mean?”
“After everything that’s happened between them? They’re not even speaking. It’s been good for him, though. He seems more grounded now.”
Wait, what? He hadn’t mentioned any of that to me. An ad executive made good money, but not great money. How were we here? How did he afford the dress I was wearing? Or the fact that he lived in a hotel? All that money couldn’t be from his side business. Could it? I looked down at the dress I was wearing. Was it possible that Patrick had actually paid for this dress? The thought made me nauseous.
“I’m going to steal her away now,” Mason said and wrapped his arm around my back again.
I almost jumped when he touched me.
“It’s always a pleasure,” Mason said to Penny.
“Always,” Penny said. “It was really nice to meet you, Bee. And get Mason to give you my number.” She looked back over at Mason. “Next time you come over, you’re bringing her.”