“Want to go out with me then?”
“Not especially.”
“You do realize that you’re being rude, right? Come on, we’re going. No more excuses. Besides, if you want Mason to want you, you have to appear unavailable.”
I did want Mason to want me. I had waited for him to text me all day today and yesterday. After lunch on Wednesday, I had texted him and thanked him for the sandwich and soup. But he had never responded. For some reason it made me want him even more. I knew he was probably doing it on purpose. Which meant maybe I should appear unavailable on purpose. I could use some advice from Kendra. I was so out of the dating game that I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing.
“Okay,” I said and switched off my computer.
She looked surprise. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah. Let’s go.” I stood up and grabbed my coat.
“I thought you’d be happy, not suspicious.”
“But you always say no.”
“Well I think I need some guidance.”
“That sounds about right. Let me text Marie real quick to see if she can come too. Girls night!” She pulled out her phone and typed out a message to Marie.
I popped my head into Mr. Ellington’s office. “Is there anything else you need tonight, Mr. Ellington?”
“Not tonight, Bridget. There are a few important changes I want to discuss with you next week, though.” He was looking at me in that creepy way again.
“About my position?”
“More than just your position. I have high hopes for you, Bridget.”
My back got slightly straighter. He looked creepy, but maybe he was talking about an actual promotion. High hopes. I couldn’t help but smile. Kendra was right, he just always looked creepy.
“Have a good weekend. And please close the door.”
“You too, Mr. Ellington.” I closed the door. I didn’t want to say anything to Kendra yet. I knew better than to get my hopes up. But I couldn’t help but think I may have finally landed my first advertising job. Maybe Sword Body Wash hadn’t liked Jenkins’ idea after all.
“Good news,” Kendra said. “Marie’s meeting us there.” She linked her arm in mine and we walked together toward the elevator.
* * *
I was on my second cosmopolitan. Whenever the three of us went out together, we liked to pretend we were straight out of Sex and the City. Although it was anything but the truth. I was a homebody. Marie was married and barely had time for us. Kendra though…Kendra probably was close to being a Samantha. She was good at living in New York. She encompassed the confidence I wished I had.
“Bee,” Marie said and waved her hand in front of my face.
I tended to space out when I had too much to drink. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“Have you slept with him yet?”
“No. Not really.”
“Right, and Kendra and I are dying to know what exactly that means. Spill it.”
“We did other stuff.”
“Like what?”
“He was so forward. I excused myself to go to the bathroom while we were at dinner and he followed me. Into the ladies’ room.”