“Do you know her size?” Matt asked.
“Yeah.” I pulled a dress off the rack.
He frowned at me. “Why exactly do you know her size?”
“I had Vargas get some information on her.”
“You do realize how creepy that is, right?”
I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn’t creepy. It was efficient. And it was what was winning her over.
“So what else did you find out about this girl that you almost love?”
I lightly punched his shoulder and tried to ignore him. He was right though. I never tried this hard. Hell, I never really had to try at all. Women heard my name and flocked toward me. It was one of the only benefits of being a Caldwell.
“Do you at least have a picture? I want to see the girl that stole my brother’s small, shriveled up heart.”
“She didn’t steal my perfectly normal sized heart. But I do have a picture.” I pulled out my phone and clicked on my open tabs. I wasn’t sure where Vargas had gotten this picture. But it had been on the front page of the report he had given me. And I found myself constantly looking at it. Just because she was nice to look at.
“Damn, she’s hot.”
“That she is.”
“So what does she do?”
“That’s a weird question coming from a guy who doesn’t do anything.”
“Hey, someone had to take over the family business. And Dad doesn’t need my help yet. He’s made that perfectly clear. He hates all my suggestions. I’m pretty sure he’s still holding out hope on you taking it over.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
“How are you doing anyway? I can’t imagine being cut off.”
“I’m doing fine. Because I have a good job.” And I still had some of the money left that my dad had given me. Once I ran out, that might be a different story. I knew the clock was ticking. I needed to land my first account before I lost my apartment.
“Still. Thousands is different than millions. I do not want to know what living is like without being able to take a bath in 100 dollar bills whenever I want.”
He was right. I wasn’t used to having to watch my cash flow. I probably shouldn’t have been buying this dress for Bee. But I wanted to. Not because I like her. “I said I’m doing fine.”
“How is the new venture going?”
I didn’t want to talk about it. I never failed at anything. But I wasn’t even close to having enough cash to start my own ad agency. And without my father’s name backing me, no one was willing to give me a loan. My side business helped. It was currently the only cash coming into my new business. What I needed was more clients. Pilfering my father’s new hires was easy. I needed more access to high-level employees. But I didn’t want to spend my time growing that. I wanted to be starting my own company, not introducing men to sluts. After spilling the news to my dad that I had other plans for my future, he had basically said he was done with me. That was a year ago. I thought I would have started the agency by now. It was still a while off at this rate, though. “It’s going slower than I’d hope.”
“Well, when I’m in charge of MAC International, I’ll reinstate your allowance.”
“I don’t need it,” I said. “I’m going to do it without Dad’s money.”
“Eh. It’ll kind of be my money then.”
“Still.” I didn’t want handouts. Especially not from my little brother who hadn’t really worked a day in his life. I was sure he was capable of running MAC. He had majored in finance at Harvard to appease my father. But the money was his only motivation. He didn’t really want to run a finance company either. I didn’t want to live like that. I wanted to prove that I had what it took to make it on my own. My dad would see.
“You didn’t answer my question. What does this girl do?”
“She’s a secretary at Kruger Advertising.”
“Really? Mom and Dad will be thrilled about that,” he laughed.
“I don’t really care what they think.”