“Excuse me?” What the hell is his problem?
“You heard me, baby.”
I turned to him. He was a handsome pretentious bastard, just like every other suit in this city. I wanted to slap his beautiful, smug face. Instead I balled my hands into fists. “Where do you get off?”
“I’m running late,” he said calmly.
“So am I.”
“Then we should stop wasting each other’s time.” He climbed into the car.
“Hey!” I yelled as he closed the door. I slammed my palm against the window as the taxi sped off.
I wasn’t just sick of the cold. I was so sick of this city.
Chapter Seven
I loosened my tie and leaned back in the seat. It had been a long, hellish day, and I probably had a dreadful night ahead of me. The taxi raced through the streets. I glanced down at my watch. She’d probably already be there, early and eager. Every girl in this city seemed the same. It had been ages since I had gotten deep inside a tight pussy. I was getting a hard-on just thinking about it.
The only reason I had agreed to this stupid date was because I was getting two Knicks tickets out of it. Drinks, dinner, and dessert. The three Ds and I’d have held my side of the bargain. If I was lucky, she’d have two more Ds for me too. And if not, I could be in and out in just a few hours. Then maybe I’d hit the bar across the street from the restaurant and find myself some suitable entertainment for the rest of the evening.
I closed my eyes for a minute as the taxi sped on. I had come so close to punching my arrogant boss right in the face today. I desperately needed to unwind. This wasn’t exactly the night I needed after such a shitty week. The taxi came to a stop. I pulled some money out of my wallet and tossed it on the seat in front of me.
“Keep the change.” I stepped out into the cold night. Carter’s wife had even made the reservations for the restaurant. There had to be something seriously wrong with this girl I was meeting if they were going to such lengths to set us up. The Knicks seats were courtside, after all. I walked into the restaurant. “Hi, I have a reservation for two, under Mason Caldwell.” The hostess scanned the list.
“Yes of course. Right this way, sir.” She scooted between the tables and I watched her ass. I’d always thought that hostesses should be required to wear yoga pants, but her tight black dress pants weren’t half bad. She brought me to an empty table in the middle of the restaurant. I looked down at my watch. I was ten minutes late, and my date wasn’t even here yet.
“Please just let me know if there’s anything you need,” the hostess said. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“I may take you up on that offer a little later.” I flashed her a smile. I knew what my smile did to women. And it had the same effect on her as any other.
Her face turned crimson. I could definitely see myself bending her over this table. She turned away and walked back to her podium. She glanced over her shoulder once and blushed again when she made eye contact with me. Maybe I wouldn’t need that bar after all.
“Good evening, my name is Ethan, and I will be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get for you while you’re waiting?”
“Scotch. On the rocks.”
“Great, I’ll be right back.”
I downed my drink, and then a second. I wasn’t a patient man. This girl had better have a good reason for making me wait. I opened up the menu and scanned through the selections. Damn, this was going to cost me.
“I’m sorry I’m late, this jerk stole…” she stopped midsentence.
I looked up at the woman standing by my table. She was staring at me loathingly, but hell if I knew her. The curves on her body were delicious and her breasts were almost spilling out of her dress. I wasn’t sure when the last time I had seen a natural blonde was, but she was definitely one. Her cheeks were flushed and she was biting her red lips. If I had been with her, I think I would have remembered.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said slowly.
“Are you Bee?”
The woman sat down across from me in a huff.
“It’s Bridget, thank you. Only my friends call me Bee.”
Chapter Eight