“So? What do you think?”
“It’s great. Are you sure it’s okay if I borrow it?”
“Why do you have this here?”
“I picked it up from the drycleaners before lunch. I was going to wear it to that bar that just opened up.”
“Oh. Kendra, I can’t borrow this if you’re going to wear it tonight.”
Kendra laughed. “Yeah, I’m fine going to that bar wearing what I’m wearing. I’m sure everyone’s just going straight there after work anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. This dress is going to look amazing on you.”
“I feel like going on this date a different night would be better though. I haven’t exactly been having a stellar day.”
“Which is why you should go. A great date will turn your whole day around. Besides, if you really want to get over Patrick you need to get under someone else.”
“Ew. Seriously? That’s terrible advice. I’m not doing that.”
“Actually, it’s great advice. And you know it. How did you get over the guy you dated before Patrick?”
“I didn’t. I mean, Patrick was my only boyfriend. I never dated anyone before him.”
“Wait, are you telling me you’ve only ever had sex with Patrick?”
“Jesus, Kendra, please lower your voice.”
She laughed. “I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous. No wonder you were so upset about the break up.”
“I was upset because we dated for five years and were engaged. And he was cheating on me. And I don’t even know for how long.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But you don’t even know what else is out there. Dating is fun, Bee. There’s someone out there that is so much better than Patrick. And probably a better lay too. You should really be more adventurous.” She took a bite of her sandwich.
“Let’s stalk Mason. What’s his last name?”
“I don’t know. Marie didn’t say.”
“Damn. There’s probably thousands of Mason’s in New York.”
“And isn’t that cheating anyway? We’re both supposed to go into the date blind.”
“You don’t think he already looked you up?”
“Wait, you think he did?”
“Maybe. Let’s see what he could have found.” She typed my name into Google and clicked on my Facebook profile. “Why the hell is there a picture of you and Patrick as your profile picture?”
“I haven’t been on it in awhile.”
“Bee, it still says you’re engaged to him! What is wrong with you?!”
“I know. It’s just…he never changed it either. I thought maybe it meant he was still holding on somehow. Won’t he get a notification if I change it? It’s almost like that makes it officially over.”