“Bee, he’s a really nice guy. And super charming.”
“That’s nice.” Is that really why they had asked me to come over for dinner? To set me up on a date? I folded my arms across my chest.
“And he’s really handsome.”
“Really handsome?” Carter said. “I mean…I wouldn’t say really handsome.”
Marie laughed. “Not as handsome as you, babe.”
Carter smiled at her.
“Yeah…no,” I said.
“No? We didn’t even ask you a question yet,” Marie said.
“The answer is no. I’m not going on a date with your weird coworker.”
“He’s not weird,” Marie said. “He’s really cool.”
“He sounds awful.”
Marie laughed. “He’s actually super awesome. And I told him all about you. He can’t wait to meet you. You have a date tomorrow night at 8.”
“Wait, what?”
“It’s already set.”
“I’m not going on a date tomorrow night. I have plans.”
“Plans to watch T.V. alone in your apartment?”
“Why does everyone think that’s all I do?”
“Because you do it a lot.”
“Okay, fine. I like binge watching awesome T.V. shows. Is that so wrong? And I do have plans. I’m going to go to a bar with Kendra tomorrow night.” Maybe.
“No, you’re going on a super awesome date with Mason tomorrow night. Which you won’t regret because he’s great.”
“Great? I doubt that. What’s wrong with him? Why would he agree to go on a blind date? No one does that. That’s like the most awkward thing ever. He’s probably a serial killer.”
“People do it all the time. He’s not a serial killer. He’s a successful, handsome, businessman.”
“Yeah, well I don’t like successful, handsome, businessmen. You know that.” I bit my lip. I didn’t want to think about Patrick. Stop thinking about Patrick!
A buzzing noise sounded in the apartment.
“That would be the pizza,” Marie said and stood up. “Just think about it, okay, Bee?”
No. “Okay.”
Carter got up and answered the door as Marie grabbed some plates.
“What do you want to drink?” Marie asked. “White or red?” She held up two bottles of wine.
“White’s good.”