Page 119 of Deep Pockets

“—plans for after the merger is completed? Take some time off?”

Mr. Leblanc blinks, and an easy smile slides onto his face. It’s wild to see it. He’s never seemed like the easy-smile kind of guy. Now that I’ve seen it, I want to see it again. After that, I want to see a genuine smile. Hear a laugh that’s not controlled or calibrated. “I haven’t thought much about it.”

“Too busy making money.” Mitchell slaps his hand on the table and laughs. “You’d travel. You’d have to. After the initial breaking-in period, of course. Plenty to do in a place like Amsterdam.”

“Sure,” Mr. Leblanc says.

“One of my buddies has a condo in the Netherlands. Can’t understand why he insists on keeping it. Property can’t be improved anymore, but he won’t leave.” Mitchell steeples his fingers. “I might look at some properties in the South of France when we’re there for the holidays.”

“Visiting family?” Mr. Leblanc asks.

“Checking on one of my vacation homes.” Mitchell looks pointedly at Mr. Leblanc, like he’s also about to own a vacation home in the South of France. Maybe he already does. “A real investment piece.”

“I could stand to own more property, but you know me.” Mr. Leblanc actually sounds sincere. “I think ideas are more interesting. A little cash infusion is all they need to grow.”

“Speaking of vacations.” Greg smiles at me. It’s genuine. “What about you, Bristol? Have you had any time to travel?”

My face goes hot. I’m Mr. Leblanc’s date. Anyone he would normally date would travel. They’d probably go to Paris, Rome, and Tokyo. “Mostly across the country.”


I pause for a heartbeat in case they want to steer the conversation away from me. No one interrupts. “I was born out in Arizona. My dad’s got a serious case of wanderlust, so we’ve been making our way east since I was about ten. I told him if we go any farther, we’ll end up in the ocean.”

“The heat in Arizona is something else,” Greg says. “It’s so dry. Any plans to go abroad?”

“I don’t have any properties to visit.” I follow it with a sheepish grin, and Greg and Mitchell laugh.

“That’s why they have hotels. Have you ever been to Paris? It’s a cliché to stay near the Eiffel Tower, but I have a place with a view. It’s a good way to pass the time. Especially with the right company.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Mr. Leblanc scowling. He tries to hide it, but I can tell from the set of his mouth that he’s not thrilled with Greg’s attention on me.

“Actually, if I was going to travel, I’d like to go to the beach.”

A moment of silence. Every man at the table looks at me expectantly.

“Which beach?” Greg prompts gently.

“I read about a white-sand beach in the Bahamas that’s supposed to be one of the most beautiful in the world.” I have that brochure tucked inside a book on my bedside table.

“Not interested in spending more time in the city?”

“I just think it would be fun to take my siblings somewhere warm during the winter. I’m not too picky about the location, though. I’d settle for Florida. I’d settle for anywhere if we could hang out in the sand and swim. It sounds wonderful.”

And be away from my father. That would be important. Or maybe he’d come with us, but in my imaginary beach, there would be no cons and no debts. There would be no scary men with guns breaking into our apartment. Instead there’d be a gentle breeze and endless water.


I’m probably talking too much. This dinner isn’t supposed to be about me. It’s supposed to be about Mr. Leblanc and the merger. “I have twin siblings, Mia and Ben. They turned ten this year.”

Mitchell’s face brightens. “Kids that age are interesting. Some of them have damn good ideas.”

“Twins,” Greg says. “Wow. Are you close with them?”

“They’re my favorite people.” Also true. Everybody at the table wears a soft expression. Indulgent, almost. Like me and Mia and Ben are the cutest thing they’ve ever heard of. “Mia loves to read. Ben’s been top of his class in math since kindergarten. They find common ground with video games.”

“Well,” Greg says as the waiter returns to fill our water glasses. “If you ever decide on a specific destination, let me know. I can share my contacts. I know at least ten people on every continent. They can find you a good property to rent that’s away from the tourist hotspots.”

“Oh, thank you. That’s so kind. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the time, but you never know.”