Page 72 of Bad Mother

Violet’s gaze darted again between Gavin—his tearstained face red and blotchy from crying—and Danny, eyes wide with fear, imploring her. “Two!” She needed the phone. She had to call for help. “Three!” A sob moved up Violet’s throat, and she forced herself tomove, half running and half limping toward the door, where she scooped up Gavin and darted as fast as she could into the living room. “Hide, Danny!” she yelled behind her. Roger didn’t want to hurt Danny anyway, not really. He wanted to hurt her. He’d come after her. But Gavin was still practically a baby. He didn’t stand a chance without her. Danny was clever. Quiet but so very clever. He’d find a good hiding spot in this big house, and he’d stay put until help arrived.


Hide, Danny, hide.

She ran into the living room, a cry of defeat falling from her lips when she saw that the only thing on the coffee table where she’d left the phone was a stack of magazines. “Five!” Roger hadn’t brought it intothe kitchen with him, but he’d hidden it somewhere. And she had no time to search. “Six!” She dropped the knife in the pocket of her apron, Gavin holding on to her shoulder, his little body still shaking from his recent sobs.

She gripped the banister as she ran up the stairs as fast as she could, then turned the corner and raced down the hall. “Seven!”

Hide, Danny, hide.There were so many good spots for him to fit, and she knew he was good at it because she often played with him, tickling him until he giggled when she found him, pretending she hadn’t known where he was all along. “Eight!”

Maybe if she hid long enough, Roger would cool down.Just give him time to cool down.“Nine!”

She ran into the guest room, opened the closet as quietly as possible, and then closed it behind her. “Ten!” There were several garment bags in there, formal wear that had gone unused for a long time, and she scooted behind them, Gavin’s sobs gone now, faded into the occasional shuddery breath and small hiccup. He’d been saved. In his mind, he’d already been saved because he was in his mother’s arms. He put his head on her shoulder, exhausted, calm.

Violet waited, every muscle tensed as she sat in the dark with her toddler, rocking him gently, ever mindful to go still if she heard Roger’s footsteps coming closer. Maybe he’d search the house for a while and grow bored, realize how irrational he was being. He’d always had a quick temper and been prone to sulk and seek retribution when he didn’t get his way. He’d turned downright mean and unpredictable after Gavin was born, but it was only recently that she’d seen the shine of something more sinister in his eyes.

Stay hidden, Danny, somewhere your father would never look. Stay quiet as a mouse, baby boy.

Their breath merged, hers coming out in quickened pants of dread, Gavin’s evening as he fell asleep, his body going limp in her arms. Carefully, so carefully, she laid him on the carpeted floor, stopping inher movement every few seconds to listen. But there was no sound of Roger approaching.

Where are you? Oh God, where are you?

Again, she waited, her ears pricked to every creak of the house, every small noise. Was he walking quietly from room to room, dragging this terrible game out to make her suffer? To heighten her fear to a fever pitch? Was that his ultimate goal? Would he be satisfied with her terror, or would he try to hurt her? More permanently this time. Perhaps he wouldn’t kill her, but what if he punched her again, so hard she sustained brain damage? What if he threw her down the stairs and she spent the rest of her life in a wheelchair, her ability to speak or move gone? Completely at his mercy. A deep tremble moved through her. Oh yes, there were fates worse than death, and she’d pictured them all. She still had the knife. She’d use it if she had to, but without a phone, she was back where she’d started in the kitchen.


Violet blinked in confusion when she heard the faint purr of a motor from beyond, and then the sound of crunching gravel.A car.A car had pulled up in front of their house. How had she not heard it approaching?

Oh my God. Oh my God. Help.

Violet came to her feet, moving as quietly as possible, holding her breath as she opened the closet door, half expecting Roger to lunge at her. But ifshe’dheard the car, he certainly had, too, and he’d be heading to the driveway, trying to get them to leave before she came outside.

Before she screamed for help.

Run. Hurry.

Violet ran to the window, ready to fling it open and scream for whoever it was that had arrived. But her hand faltered on the lock, a confused gasp emerging, eyes widening. It was Roger’s car, and it was leaving. For a moment, relief flooded her body, so intense she saggedunder its power. But as quickly as the relief had descended, it vaulted into alarm. And then horror.

A little face looked out the back window, eyes terrified and haunted. Violet screamed, waving her arms, but the little boy had turned away. She ran for the hall and bounded down the stairs, skipping several at a time, a wonder she didn’t land on her head and do to herself what she’d just feared from Roger. She flung open the door, screaming Danny’s name, but the car had turned the corner in the long drive and was already out of sight.

Violet ran anyway, arms waving, heart pounding, screaming Danny’s name over and over, but it was no use. It was dark now, and the car was already too far away and quickly picking up speed, just a wavering dot of light in the distance.

Oh God, oh no, bring back my baby. My little boy.

Violet fell to the ground, weeping and shaking, calling Danny’s name until her throat was raw.


“I’m headed home to shower and change quickly, and then I’ll be on my way to you,” Sienna said.

“Finally.” She heard the smile in Gavin’s voice. “Long day, huh? I have just the thing to relax you. It’s very large and very hot.”

“Mmm, tell me more,” she said, adding a dramatic, suggestive purr to her tone.

“And very meaty,” he added.
