“No way around that, really,” he said. “Elias is not stupid, he knows Jude can pin plenty on him. But we’ve got ammunition, too. Proof that he stole a warehouse full of goods from the Scorpions’ club on the West Coast.”

I wasn’t going to ask what kind of goods they stole straight out. These were pretty intricate stories of secrets and betrayal, and I needed to preserve my own safety at this point.

“I don’t think Elias knows Jude is with us,” he said. “But if or when he finds out, he’s going to be pissed and he might come looking for what he feels is rightfully his.”

His? He’d reduced Jude to a piece of property. Some type of possessive and animalistic instinct flared in my gut and I had the urge to growl and pound my fucking chest.

“We’ll keep him protected; it’s what we promised. And you as well, now that you’re involved,” he said, sitting back in his seat. “But we don’t owe you nothing; let’s make that clear.”

I shut my eyes as the grim reality sank in. I tucked my lips, attempting to keep my frowning to a minimum. My fists clenched the chair so hard, my knuckles turned white.

I wasn’t sure how Jude got through his everyday life without cracking under the pressure, but he’d had way more practice than I did. He was used to this kind of life—not that he asked for it—and his reasons for closing himself off this entire time had never been clearer.

“Never thought I’d have a queer under my care but I get that love is love,” he said. “I’d be heartless if I didn’t. I understand feelings. I had an old lady once.”

I shivered as a dark look passed through his eyes. “Business is business.”

I got it; there was no way I could convince him to have more heart. This was a professional exchange and nothing more. My stomach pitched. I nodded and stood up before I blew chunks all over his floor.

“Despite what you think, I like the boy. You’re a good kid, too. Keep your nose clean and continue providing a good service at the ink shop. We’ll do what we can to keep him safe,” he said, his fingers steepled in front of him. “Best to remain all business in public, you feel me? There’s no reason to make you a target, so no slipups between you and the boy. You make it look like you got a casual friendship, that’s fine.”

My eyes shot to his as shock registered, my limbs growing numb. Even though it was what Jude and I already knew we had to do. Hearing it voiced out loud had somehow diminished it. What the fuck ever.

I didn’t say anything more, just walked dully toward the door until his deep voice stopped me.

“This is what you signed up for, Cory.”

Chapter Twenty-seven

“How did your massage go this morning?” Jessie asked from behind the front desk. She had walked me over to her mom’s holistic shop last week. I’d scheduled an appointment and not only had it helped my back but it released some tension as well.

“Awesome,” I said and Jessie winked. “My back feels pretty good right now.”

Apparently I was holding on to all of my anxiety, taut as a rope, in my shoulders and lower back. Though the initial injury came from the accident, the therapist explained how tension could still manifest physically.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Jude.

At the shop now, ready to work.

Jude: How’s your back doing?

Me: That massage did wonders.

Jude: Told you so, mate. See you shortly.

“Send Jude back when he comes in?” I said to Jessie. She knew something was up between us, probably everybody did, but she hadn’t said anything. They knew how discreet I was about whom I slept around with. I never was one to kiss and tell so why would I start now?

Jessie raised her eyebrows and stared hard.

“Just say what you need to say.”

I’d finally told Jessie a bit more about my relationship with David the same day I’d scheduled my massage. It felt right to finally start sharing more with my friends.

“I approve, as long as Jude’s not going to hide you away.”

“What do you mean?”

“Meaning he should be proud to be with you in public,” she said.

“When it comes to Jude,” I said, choosing my words carefully. “All I’ll say is this—it’s not about being proud, it’s about being brave.”

She nodded in sympathy. When she and Nate had first gotten together, she had used similar words when I questioned his intentions. So that was the only way I knew how to make her understand.


Jude silently entered the room and made quick work of removing his shirt. I hadn’t seen him in a couple of days and the air was so damn concentrated between us, it was like walking through a sauna. I wanted to pull him into my arms, but I also needed to remain professional in my place of employment like I’d always been.

Still it was one of the only times we could be behind closed doors, so when Jude gazed at me with such blazing affection, I couldn’t help but reach for his hand and pull it between my own.

“I know we have work to do,” I said. “But I’ve missed you and I really need . . .”

Without any further discussion, he angled his mouth against mine, his fingers grasping onto my neck to tighten our connection. I groaned into a searing kiss that stole my breath away.

We stood in the middle of the floor for some quiet minutes just kissing and breathing the same air and staring into each other’s eyes. I knew I was in love with Jude York but that was a thought I’d keep to myself for now. Besides, he’d have to be blind to not see it written all over my face.