No, inwardly, she raged.
Seriously, she really loved her mother; hell, she loved her whole family. But all Ryleigh truly wanted was for them to love her where she was at instead of focusing on where they thought she was lacking.
And maybe not so muchthey, butshe.
“I’m leaving,” she said firmly. “And I think it would be best if we didn’t talk for a few days.” Purse in hand, she walked across the kitchen and slammed her palm against the swinging door on her way out. Luckily no one was on the other side of it because that would have ruined her glorious exit.
With a small huff, she didn’t make eye contact with anyone on her way across the crowded room. The only thing she did notice was that Jarod was gone.
Good riddance.
“Ry!” Jamie called out.
So close…
Her brother came jogging over and, for once, he wasn’t quite his jovial self. “You okay?”
“Yeah, why?” she murmured.
“You were looking pretty fierce when you came through the doorway and I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
That was kind of sweet.
“Just…just Mom stuff,” she told him. “Did you see how she ambushed me tonight?”
He nodded. “I did, but…I sort of had my own thing going on.”
“Then I guess I should be asking if you’re okay.”
With a shrug, he replied, “I guess. This is the first time I’ve ever had a breakup that just won’t end.”
She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Yeah, it’s tough to be you,” she mumbled and fortunately, he grinned.
“So, what was wrong with the guy tonight?”
“The list is endless, but the highlight was when he tried to put his fingers in my mouth to inspect my gums.”
“No!” And then the rat bastard laughed.
“And you want to know what the worst part is?”
“You mean that wasn’t it?” Jamie asked with another laugh.
“That Mom still doesn’t think she did anything wrong! Why isn’t she bugging you about this breakup? Why isn’t she harping on Patrick to settle down? I mean…why is all her energy on me?”
He instantly took a step back. “I’m not touching this with a ten-foot pole. Look, I’m sorry she’s bugging you, but as long as she’s doing that, my life is easier, so…”
Leaning in, Ryleigh shoved him.
“You suck.” And with that, she stormed away.
For once it would be nice if someone took her side. She was a good person who always stepped up to help her friends and her siblings, and this was the thanks she got. No one was willing to do the same for her.
It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right and she was just so damn done with it all.