After I left the studio, I climbed into my car and gripped the steering wheel. Ever since the accident, I have had times when I would forget certain things. One of them was to take my birth control. I expressed my concern to Georgia, and after I finished this last pack of pills, I was switching to getting the shot every three months.

I found Conner and Ella playing Call of Duty on the couch when I arrived home while Nicholas was nestled on Conner’s lap.

“What’s going on here?” I smiled as I walked over and kissed the top of Conner’s and Ella’s heads.

“Nathan asked if we could babysit while he and Sofia went out with their friends tonight to celebrate their engagement, so I went over and grabbed these two, so they could get ready in peace. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.” I picked Nicholas up from his lap. “I love having these two over.”

“Oh, come on, Ella! What the—”

“Sorry, Uncle Conner, but your new strategy sucks.” She giggled.

“You better watch it, little girl, or I’m calling Uncle Christian over here.”

“You can’t. He’s at the hospital.” She laughed.

Nicholas started to fuss, and then a loud scream came from him.

“He’s probably hungry,” Conner spoke. “Sofia said he probably would be around this time.”

“Are the bottles in the refrigerator?”

“Yeah. I can feed him, babe.”

“I’ve got it.” I smiled. “I’ll feed him upstairs.”

After I fed the baby and burped him, I laid him down on the bed next to me and played with him. Conner walked in, sat on the bed, and picked him up.

“Are you having fun with your Auntie Charlotte, little man?” He smiled at Nicholas as he held him up in the air.

“Where’s Ella?” I asked.

“She ran home for a minute. She forgot her laptop, and she wants to show me something.”

I sat there and watched the way Conner was with Nicholas. The way he was playing with him and talking to him. I didn't doubt that he would make a wonderful father. He loved kids, and I saw it in how he acted with his own niece and nephew and with Stefan’s and Sam’s kids.

“What?” He smiled at me.

“Nothing. You’re just really good with kids.”

“I’ve always loved kids. Isn’t that right, Nicholas?” He held him up, and Nicholas vomited all over him. “Except when they do that.”

I laughed as I climbed off the bed and grabbed a towel from the bathroom.

* * *

The same nauseous feeling swept over me the following morning as I was getting ready for work.

“What’s wrong?” Conner asked. “You’ve barely touched your coffee.”

“Oh really?” I looked in my cup and played dumb. “I’m drinking it. I’m just trying to hurry up and get ready since someone wouldn’t let me out of bed.” I smirked.

“It was worth it, wasn’t it?” He smiled as he kissed my lips, and I wanted to throw up.

“Yep. Sure was.”

“I’ll meet you downstairs, babe.”