I sighed as she paid for our food, and we sat at a table near the window.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Jackson wants me to attend a support group for families of amnesia victims.”

“Okay, and?”

“I’m not going, and it pisses me off that he thinks I should.”

“Why? Support groups are great. I attended one for a while after my heart transplant.”

“You did?” I took a bite of my sandwich.

“Yeah. I met a lot of great people who were also heart transplant patients. We shared our experiences and supported each other. Listen, Conner. No one can understand what you’re going through unless they’ve been through it themselves. The family will always be here for you and say they feel for you or understand, but they don’t. It’s not possible. You need to surround yourself with others who do understand and are going through the same thing. It will help. I promise.”

After finishing my sandwich, I returned to Charlotte’s room, and she opened her eyes.

“I’m sorry if I woke you. Go back to sleep.”



“You didn’t wake me.”

“Do you need anything?” Conner asked.

“We met at the medical center, right?”

He breathed out a laugh. “I could totally lie to you right now, and you would never know. But I wouldn’t do that because I don’t lie to you, and I never will. Our first meeting was at Target.”

“As in the store?” My brows furrowed.

“Yes. I was in there before you were, and I left my phone in the shopping cart. You just so happened to take the cart I had used. When I got home and realized my phone was missing, I called it from my brother’s phone, and you answered. I asked you if you could bring it out to me in the parking lot, and you went off on me like the psycho chick you were.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

“Hold on a second. You left your phone in the cart and expected me to bring it out to you?”

“Yes. And trust me when I tell you that you lectured me and accused me of having a narcissistic personality right in the main aisle of the store. We exchanged some words, and I took my phone and left.”

“Sounds like we hated each other.”

“You could say it was hate at first sight.” His lips formed a smirk. “I was away at a medical conference when you met some colleagues of yours for dinner. That’s where you met Jackson and Georgia. They joined you for dinner, and after talking to you, Jackson asked if you would be interested in coming for an interview at the medical center. You agreed. My brothers loved you and hired you without consulting me. When I returned from the medical conference, I didn’t know who you were until you walked into the kitchen area at the medical center.”

“You must have been shocked,” I spoke.

“We both were. In fact, my douchebag brother, Nathan, probably still has the video he recorded of us. Would you like to see it?”

“Yeah. I would.”

“Okay. Hold on.” He pulled out his phone and began typing on it. A few moments later, he handed me his phone, and I watched the video his brother had sent.

“Crazy psycho chick?” I glared at him. “I highly doubt I was holding your phone hostage.”

“You were. I tried to get it from you several times, but you held it up over your head and refused to give it to me until after you psycho-analyzed me. If it makes you feel better, I thought you were the most beautiful crazy psycho chick I’d ever seen.”

“So, you didn’t want me working at the medical center?” I narrowed my eye.

“Nope, not at first. But I’m happy I never stopped harassing you.” He smiled. “You eventually came to your senses and realized I didn’t have a narcissistic personality, and you fell in love with me.” He cautiously reached for my hand, and I pulled it away. “Okay.” He nodded. “I won’t try to do that again. I promise.”