“Of course.”
She nestled Darla against Charlotte’s body. “Darla will keep you safe, Aunt Charlotte.”
Tears filled my eyes for a moment as I looked at Sofia.
“Look at you, all clean-shaven.” She smiled.
“Charleigh told me last night that I needed to look my best for when Charlotte wakes up. Bring my nephew over here.”
She took Nicholas from his car seat and handed him to me.
“Hey, little man.” I softly kissed his head. “I can’t believe how big he’s getting.”
“I know. All he does is eat.” She smirked.
“Well, hello.” Aunt Barb smiled as she walked into the room, holding a beautiful floral arrangement.
“Grandma Barb!” Ella ran over to her.
“Hello, sweetheart. How is our Charlotte doing today?”
“She’s stable, Aunt Barb.”
“She’s going to be in awe when she wakes up and sees all these beautiful flowers. How are you doing, Conner?”
“I’m okay.” I sighed. “Doing the best I can.”
“The worst is over. She’s out of the ICU, and she’s stable. All will be good again when she wakes up,” she said. “And she will wake up.”
* * *
It had been a week since Charlotte was moved out of the ICU, and she still hadn’t woken up. Each day that passed became harder, and the waiting was excruciating.
“Damn it!” I said as I spilled half of my coffee on my clothes.”
“Are you okay, Dr. Kind?” Chelsea, Charlotte’s nurse, asked as she hung a new I.V. bag.
“Yeah. It wasn’t that hot. Can you do me a favor and get me a pair of scrubs?”
“Of course. I’ll be right back.”
A few moments later, Chelsea returned with a pair of scrubs, and I took them into the bathroom and changed out of my coffee-soaked clothes. When I came out of the bathroom, Charlotte’s eyes were open. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.
I slowly opened my eyes, and a state of confusion settled inside me. My eyes hurt, and I had a killer headache to go with it.
“Charlotte? She’s awake,” a man shouted out into the hallway. “Page Jackson now!”
“The light. It hurts,” I mumbled as I shut my eyes. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital. You were in a bad car accident,” he said. “Charlotte, I turned the light off. You can open your eyes. Charlotte, look at me.”
“What happened to me?” My eyes slowly opened.
“You were in a bad car accident. You’ve been in a coma for the past two weeks. Do you remember?”