“Conner,” Simon walked over and hugged me.
“What happened, Simon?”
“She was stopped at a light. The car that hit her was involved in a police chase in a stolen vehicle. The driver of the other car is a seventeen-year-old male.”
“Fuck!” I placed my hand on my forehead. “Is he dead?”
“No. He’s in surgery. Another thing. It looked like Charlotte wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.”
“Impossible. She always wears it. And if she weren’t, she would have been thrown from the vehicle.”
“From what the paramedics said, it looked to them like she was leaning over the seat when the car hit her.”
“What?” I furrowed my brows. “That makes no sense.”
“I don’t know. Maybe something fell, and she bent over to pick it up. The entire family is here. What do you want me to tell them?”
“Nothing.” I shook my head. “Where are they?”
“In the surgical waiting room,” he said.
“Go on.” Jackson placed his hand on my back. “I’ll see you in Charlotte’s room.”
I entered the waiting room and stared at my family.
“Conner!” Jenni jumped up from her seat and ran over to me. “How is Charlotte?” she cried as she hugged me.
“Not good, Jen.”
My family gathered around, and each took turns hugging me.
“Jackson is putting her in a medically induced coma to let the swelling in her brain go down and heal. We won’t know anything until she wakes up. If she wakes up.”
“Conner,” Julia hugged me. “You know I went through this. She’s going to wake up, and she’s going to be fine.”
“If anything happens to her.” Tears streamed down my face.
“Stop.” Shaun hugged me. “Nothing is going to happen to her. In fact, all of us are going down to the chapel, and we’re lighting a candle and praying harder than we’ve ever prayed.”
“Bro, Charlotte is in her room.” Christian hooked his arm around me.
“Thank you all for coming. I appreciate it, and so does Charlotte.”
As I turned to leave the waiting room, Aunt Barb walked in.
“Oh my God, Conner.” She wrapped her arms around me. “I just spoke to Nathan.” She broke our embrace and placed her hands on each side of my face. “Charlotte will make it through this. Do you understand me? She will, and so will you.”
“Thanks, Aunt Barb. I have to go be with her. I’ll talk to all of you later.”
Christian and I walked out of the waiting room and headed to the ICU.
I stopped in the doorway of Charlotte’s room and stared at her. She was hooked up to a ventilator, and her entire head was wrapped in white bandages. Her face was swollen, and the bruising was setting in. I swallowed hard as my heart raced and tears filled my eyes.
“Are you okay?” Christian gripped my shoulder.