When I climbed into my car, I grabbed my phone from my purse and texted Conner. I knew he was still in surgery, but I told him I’d text him and let him know when I was on my way. Throwing my phone back into my purse, I pulled out of the medical center parking lot. I was driving down the road when the car in front of me slammed on its brakes because they decided to turn into a shopping center at the last second. When I slammed on mine to avoid hitting them, my purse fell off the seat, and all the contents dumped onto the passenger’s side floor.

“Shit. You asshole!” I beeped my horn.

I heard my phone beep, but I needed to wait until I was stopped at a light to reach down and grab it. I could hear sirens in the distance, and I kept looking in my rearview mirror to see where they were coming from. The traffic light ahead turned red as I approached it. Unbuckling my seat belt, I leaned over to retrieve my phone. I heard a loud crash, and everything went black.

* * *


While Dr. Moretti went to the O.R. to scrub in, I stepped inside the control room with Jackson, Charleigh, and Christian. The images quickly appeared, and I knew by the look on Jackson’s face that he was worried.

“She has a small bleed right here and a lot of intracranial pressure. I have to get in there now and relieve that pressure. Get her out of there and to the O.R.!” He flew out of the room.

“I’m going in there with her!”

“Conner, stop,” Christian spoke. “You can’t, and you know it. She’s in good hands. I’ll be in there with Dr. Moretti and Jackson assisting. We will not let anything happen to her.” He pulled me into him. “Charleigh, take him. I have to go scrub in.”

“Come on, Conner.” Charleigh hooked her arm around me.

“I’m fucking watching from the suite.”

“Okay, and I’ll be up there with you. She’s going to be okay. Positive thoughts only.”

As we walked to the O.R., Nathan ran down the hall after us.

“How is she?” He grabbed me and hugged me.

“Not good, Nathan.” Tears streamed down my face. “She has an abdominal and brain bleed. Jackson and Dr. Moretti are operating.”

“She’s going to be okay, Uncle Conner,” Ella cried as she wrapped her arms around my legs. “You have to believe that.”

I reached down and picked her up. “I do, Ella.” I kissed her forehead. “I have to get to the O.R. suite. Jackson won’t let me be in the room with her.”

“You know you can’t and shouldn’t be.” Nathan hooked his arm around me. “Ella, go with Charleigh for now.”

“No, Dad! I want to watch!”

I looked at Nathan as a distressed look fell over his face.

“Let her, bro.” I shook my head as I set Ella down and went to the O.R.

I stood in the operating suite with my arms crossed and my heart pounding out of my chest. What I felt was beyond scared. Nathan, Charleigh, and Ella walked in, and Nathan hooked his arm around me. Jackson looked up and gave me a slight nod before drilling into Charlotte’s head.

“She’s going to be okay,” Nathan said.

“You don’t know that,” I spoke with worry. “Anything could go wrong.”

“And if it does, the hospital's best doctors are there. They will not let anything happen to her.”

“I’m so scared, Nathan.” I brought my hand up and wiped the tears that fell.

“I know, brother.” His grip around me tightened.

“Even if she pulls through this, we won’t know the outcome,” I said.

“Charlotte is a strong woman, Conner. She won’t give up without a fight. She’s been through too much in her life,” Charleigh said.

The door to the suite opened, and Jamieson walked in.