“Dr. Kind. There’s a trauma coming in. ETA is five minutes. It’s Dr. Roman.”
I stopped and looked up at her as my heart pounded, and a nauseous feeling swept over me.
“What kind of trauma?”
“Car accident,” she spoke.
“Go. Go, Conner. I can close,” Dr. Smith said.
Instantly, my world stopped. “Janet, page all of my brothers now!” I shouted. “Jackson and Christian are already here.”
“Uncle Conner!” Ella cried.
“Take Ella out of here,” I said as I ran out of the O.R., tearing off my gown, gloves, and mask as I ran down the hall and to the stairwell. “Where is she?!” I yelled to one of the nurses when I reached the ER.
“Trauma room one.”
I ran down the hall and into the room where Christian, Charleigh, a couple of nurses, and Dr. Moretti were treating her.
“Charlotte! I’m here, baby.” Tears streamed down my face as I grabbed her hand.
“Her pressure is dropping, Christian,” Charleigh spoke.
“I’m here!” Jackson ran into the room and over to Charlotte. “Pupils are non-reactive. We need to get a CT now!”
“She’s got a bleed somewhere,” Dr. Moretti said as he placed the transducer on her abdomen.”
Suddenly, the machine's beeps slowed, and she flatlined.
“NO!” I screamed.
“Get him out of here!” Jackson shouted as he started chest compressions.
“I’m not leaving her!” Two arms gripped me from behind, and I struggled to free myself from them.
“Let them save her,” Simon said as he pulled me out into the hallway.
I stood in the doorway and stared at her as her face was covered in blood, and her lifeless body lay there. I couldn’t breathe, and suddenly, all time had stopped.
“We got a pulse,” Jackson said as the beeps on the machine came back to life.
I’d never heard such beautiful sounds as I did at that moment.
“Let’s get her to CT and then right to the O.R.,” Jackson said. “Charleigh, call the O.R. and tell them we’re on our way.” Jackson walked out of the room, grabbed me, and pulled me into him. “I’ve got this.” He hugged me tightly. “We’ll get the CT and go from there.” He broke our embrace and placed his hands on each side of my face. “She will get through this. I know you’re scared, but you must be strong for her.”
“I’m coming with you to the CT room. You are not keeping me away from her.”
“Come on,” he said.
“I’m going to go find out exactly what the fuck happened,” Simon said.
“Have fun with Giuseppe.” Georgia smiled.
“Thanks.” I laughed as I grabbed a bottle of water and left the medical center.